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2022 New Years Celebration by Shadane

2022 New Years Celebration


Minor disclaimer; This picture was meant to be the last picture I made in 2021, but because I wasn't fast enough, it ended up being my first picture of 2022.
So yeah...
This is probably the most confusing art piece I've done since Knuckles and Nilla are existing outside their own universe, but I didn't know what other characters to include so let's just assume their universe colided with ours or something, like a crossover or something. idk
though i actually had a crazy dream like that believe it or not, lol
But anyway, this takes place on the final day of 2021; me and my boyfriend are partaking in a New Years festival and Thunder and Ryan joined in because there are OC versions of them that we like to use. The kids are too, they're just off-screen doing their own thing.
The headphones also reference an earlier piece of art I made years ago related to New Years, but Nilla is wearing noise cancelling headphones because she hates the sound of fireworks, while Thunder and Ryan are wearing some of their own because their ears are pretty sensitive; canoids after all.

By the way, the premiere way for drinking hot cocoa for me from now on will always involve marshmallows, whipped cream with chocolate shavings, and/or a candy cane because that is the best. -//w//-
I personally like all kinds of mint candy flavors, but Nilla picked spearmint because she and Tails do this thing where they exchange candies, usually of similar flavors.

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    You can call it your final pic of 2021 if you started on it then, as well as first pic of 2022! :)

    That’s basically what I did. I can’t post mine until I get an internet connection, but I pencilled and inked mine Friday, then colored on Saturday. XD

    This looks really good, too! Great lighting and shading on this piece! :D

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      Yeah, I probably can. I tend to be a bit OCD about time for some reason. lol
      Thanks ^^

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        You're most welcome! :D