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Concept Emo Parasite by SBTW

Concept Emo Parasite


this one took longer due to the size and shape so need to do some sketches X#. Ok this is an another emo concepts as their alternative form or Parasite, whichs this is only a safety features incase an Emo loses his or her body in action like say then got head shot or their bodies blow up to kingdom come. In other words, getting back in shape with in a new body but with new modifications tot he old one. But thats only nessassary if the whole body is destory or got a head shot, which (i forgot to draw) the head is protected in a hard case like a human skull that protects the brain, the system will only activate when the head is gone or depending on how long it was damaged due to war issues or fallen on your head on stairs,or got hit on the head with somethign heavy and so on X#. Which comes to the replacement parts, emos can repair if they found a limb of thiers and can be attached back on before lossing energy which actives the computer to store enough for the parasite which will live as long as theres enoguh energy left.

Not sure if this is making anyways but short phrase, its a fail safe if an emo losses his or her energy completely due to lost of fuilding or damaged from war. and also unless you got blown up which is another thing to get a new replacement body.

Oh almost forgot, the height compairesence of the Emo soldier is from the new game that Bungie is still making,"Destiny" and the parasite is base of from Bionicle: kraana, the snake like if you seent he movie "mask of light" are those Rahkshi

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