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Vanaga by SBTW



Well was going to draw a vampire, then did a fusion with a naga. Also think she not friendly unless you disturb her or steal her necklace o.o

So she's blind, but doesn't mean she can still see, hear or smell you. Her four snake head acts as her eyes seeing what they see, plus if you got cut she'll find you quickly due to the smell of blood.

She was able to see before being blind. She used to see and target one victim to feast on, till one night she follow a man who she blinded in with the crowd at night, capture here and torture her. The man strap her with chains locking her up in a metal casing, which he leaves open a hole where her eyes is. As the sun rises, she scretches in torment as the suns rays shine through the holes of the metal casing. It went like hours but darkclouds forma s it began to rain. the man who capture curse as the metal casing was quiet, too quiet. he went over cautiously as he knows she will be hard to kill, he unlocks the casing and swings it open wide.

He stares at her body, not moving, he moves in bit closer holding the wooden stake. He assume she was dead till one of her snakes bite on his arm, giving a loud scream pulling him close.He felt his other being grab and a great force was applied making him squirm and scream in agony. She was still alive, and was furies with anger, she opens her mouth wide showing him her fangs before latching on, puncturing his skull till his stop moving. She escape and feasted on her captive, but with the cost of her eyes. She can't regenerate as her eye balls were burnt. She snarls in rage, and ever since that incident.

there's rumor has it, she still lives and waits for anyone who enters in the woods and there been number of missing persons going in and never coming out of there again.

So that her story

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    i wish she was a bit more friendly, and now i hate the woods ;_;

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      well didn't say which kind of woods. But think it would be deeper in the woods. Plus she lives in an abandon place somewhere there