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Raspberry's X-mas Binge by SatsumaLord

Raspberry's X-mas Binge


My half of an art-trade with inkythesquid.

Raspberry wanted to do something social for the holiday season, so she decided to host a Christmas party within her home. She contacted all of her friends, telling them about her holiday get-together; and then spent the next several hours preparing for the event. She decorated her house, trimmed her Christmas tree, put on her favorite holiday hostess' dress, and baked dozens (if not hundreds) of cookies, cakes, and other holiday treats for her guests.

When all of the preparations were complete, she had only minutes to spare before everyone arrived. So while she waited, Raspberry figured she'd taste some of her own yuletide confections. She immediately went for a gingerbread man (a common favorite amongst holiday festivities).

The icing's sweet tenderness along with the ginger's robust flavor sent tingles down Raspberry's spine. She swiftly gobbled up the tiny cookie person, and then instinctively went for another. Another gingerbread man wouldn't hurt anything, right?

Within moments, everything went into a taste-filled haze. A menagerie of sweet, sour, stout, and bitter flavors danced within the confines of her delighted jaws. However, a sudden ringing of the doorbell quickly snapped her out of her flavorful daydream. That's when she realized something rather disheartening. All of her tasty holiday treats were now gone! The gingerbread men, the popcorn balls, the peppermint candy canes, even the fruit cakes, had all vanished; only the crumbs remained.

She was stupefied beyond belief. Where could everything have gone? That's when Raspberry made her second revelation; the revelation that an impressively massive belly now jutted forth from her mid-section, stretching her holly-themed dress to its very limit. She had consumed all of the treats, enough confectionary to easily satiate the hunger of at least twenty people.

Her sudden findings had quickly filled her soul with dread. Raspberry's guests were waiting patiently for her outside, and she had nothing to offer them; just a plethora of empty trays and dishes, with only crumbs littering their nearly-immaculate surfaces.

Raspberry's Christmas party wasn't kicking off to a good start, and it seemed like things were only going to get worse from there.

Raspberry copyright inkythesquid
artwork copyright SatsumaLord
background image copyright its original owner

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Visual / Digital