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Anthrocon 2015 Reflections

Hello watchers online, hope everyone is doing well. For those who went to Anthrocon 2015 I hope you got home safe. It has taken me a day or so to process what happened during the event. As for anyone who has attended event like Anthrocon, you get a post con depression. In my case I am feeling post con regret.

I seem to get post con regret when I feel I could of done more before the event to prepare to make the event better for myself. This year I seem to be so forced on creating art works for the art show and items for the Artist Ally I failed to make connections with friends who may be there to make plans in the evening.

Hers a break down of how I recall Anthrcon 2015 went for me.

Friday at the event I was jammed up with setting up for the art show, going to host The Lion King Fan Meet, and the Art Show Reception. I was just about running from one location to another to make it to the events on time. Note to self try to have the Lion King Fan meet on Saturday or Sunday next time!

For those who went to the Lion King Fan meet I hope you had a wonderful time. That you enjoy the prizes I gave out. With next year with the start of the new Lion King show some more energy in that fandom can start up again.

As for the art show, I enjoyed the feedback you gave me regarding the art I had up for Auction. The Unicorn Shadowbox design seems to be a big hit with the show. Here’s a link on a tutorial on how I did, that I submitted to another online contest.

If you get the chance please go vote for my submission.

I had 30 items up in the art show this year and sold 18 out of the 30. I was hoping to get the items I made to sold to support friends this year sold. But at least the image for got sold. Once I get account of how much that went for I will send her the winnings. Next year I am going to stick to less than 20 items for the show and don’t make any more.

As for the artist ally, I was set up on a poor location on Friday to help a new brony attending the event. But Saturday was must profitable, my Brony and Furry tshirts sold well. I am making arrangements to have them sold at Brony Con this year at a friend’s table.

The minimalist badges were the one commission I sold the most of at the ally. I have some full badges I have to work on at home. I will be doing a posting of what I need to make in the next few days. Next year I will work on doing more preorder for these prior to the event. With the next year theme being the “Roaring 20s” I am expecting to sell a lot of Art Nouveau theme badges and have a lot more Art Nouveau prints in the show.

But as I walked around the ally I saw allot of artist I haven’t seen in along time and new artist I wish I made connections with prior to the event. Case in point, a local artist has a new comic series called “Dawn of the Furries” kind of a “Dawn of the Dead” story with the infected becoming Furries. Here is a link to support his book.

What I should of done is post some fan art related to his comic online and make some more post to draw attention to his work and his place in the Artist Ally. I am going to try to make it up to him by making some fan art online.

But what is bugging me in the back of my mind is it seems like this year it was hard to make connections with old friends or even new ones. Which I blame myself due to I spent the last few month busting on my butt on art contest and the art show this year. Most of the friends I use to see at the event were not there or not available. I want to change that for future event.

Going through my archive of watched messages I realized that I had not made a comment, or read any one else journal posting for over a year. Which adds on to the regret feeling. Some friends you have to take note that they are not the same people you once knew or they will not be in the same friendship relationship you hoped. The only action is to cut your ties and wish them well.

I went to a local meetup tonight and they were talking about post meetup interactions and how its best to reach out to those who you made a connection with to see if they are okay. I going to reach out to those new friends and the old friends who contacted me to see how they are doing. Just because I am not depress doesn’t mean I can help.

The next con I am going to is Brony Con, I am going to make this con to be my fun interaction con. I am going to see if I can help my one friend at the event which will allow me to sell some of the Brony tshirts. But the true objective is to have fun at that event. So if your going to the event drop me a line, lets chat prior to the event and may be we can do something together at Brony Con!

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