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Dutch Angel Dragon Adopt: OPEN by Sadalsuud-Staridae

Dutch Angel Dragon Adopt: OPEN


A Dutch AD design that's been open for some time on the Facebook Community
Since they haven't found a new home in over eighteen months, they have been price-dropped to $7.50USD.

This bouncy bundle of floof and feathers has been an energetic little troublemaker who gets into absolutely -everything- XD

They adore being high up, higher than most other Dutchies - I suspect it has much to do with their current Maine Coon-like size in comparison to others - so if you have high shelving with valuable objects stored on them, do be warned: they will be obstacles to conquer to this Dutchie hatchling!

Their little chirps sound a bit like a cross between a duck's quack, a honeyeater's trill and a squeaking wheel. You'll learn to identify this sound when they're snuffling about trying to find their latest plaything XD

Despite all their obsession over round things that they can turn into toys, they're a smoochy, loving little Dutchie who knows when they're in the soup with you - and will provide endless amounts of laughs as they guiltily plead their innocence in the most adorable of ways (definitely something to be filmed or photographed by their new owner, I'm sure!) This hatchling will provide many laughs, sighs of exasperation (and embarrassment, at least in my experience!) and cuteness overload, even on their best behaviour XD

Dutch Angel Dragons © Deanna Biesemeyer (Ino89777)

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional