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Satisfaction by Ryngs



Birthday Art for Ardenfetz

The Dragon Barbarian returns, stronger then before, and filled with Satisfaction.

This is a quickie character portrait piece for Ardenfetz for his Hatching Day. I was reminded that it was his b-day this week and was like “Crap”, I got nothing... I had to do something, as he has done so much to support my art, and drag me out of my hole more then once. The least I could do is show my appreciation.

A quick sketch, some paint, two live streaming sessions, and 17 hours later I completed this... This is the fastest I have EVER done a painting. I often agonize over concept, competition, and details to the point it can take me days/weeks to complete a piece... Not this time. I did not have time to suffer, lament, and nit-pic.

While I don't feel its my best work. I am pleased with its out come considering the time and effort invested. I would have liked to do more, and tell more of a story here. I will just have to leave that up to the title, and the composition and let the viewer come up with their own tale.

Media: Acrylic on Hardboard
Size: 11 in x 14 in.
Date: 2016

Enjoy [Grin]

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional


  • Link

    another amazing picture. I really wish you would send some stuff to Balticon.

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      Thank you [Bows]
      The continued problem is that 99% of my stuff is personal commission work, and I do not own or have the originals on hand to display anywhere. I am attempting to remedy this, but I must get my current back log completed. [Sigh]

      • Link

        It is wonderful that you have so many commissions but at some point you might want to do personal/un commissioned work for sale and get it out to some cons. Also, have you thought about doing a book of your work? I use Endeavor Printing and they do an amazing job.

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          I have, but I don't even know where to start.

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            Well, I have done 6 self published full color books and can help if you want. My books are 28 pages soft cover and I do a picture on each page pretty much with a write up about each picture. Themes are how I decided to go, but you could do a general overview bookif you wanted. I would think an anthro themed book would be easy for you to fill.