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Good Day by Ruggy

Good Day


Oh hey watercolors still exist. 'Scuse me while I try to remember how to use them.

Quick thing I did because I rescued some of my supplies from my parents' place and my tablet is being a giant buttface. O traditional media, it has been too long.

First full watercolor piece I've done in years and I draw a furry smoking a joint. Stayin' classy!

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Visual / Traditional


  • Link

    wow amazing work! this looks really fantastic.
    I'm learning about water colors right now, someday I hope I can make something like this.

    • Link

      Aww gosh thank you! I am flattered. :)

      Watercolors are fun once you get the hang of them but they are kinda unforgiving! Just don't be afraid to make a lot of bad paintings, don't be afraid to leave the white of the paper showing, and you'll be off to a good start. It's a rewarding medium once you get used to it!

      • Link

        yeah, i tend to be very impatient with water colors heh.. I need to learn to slow down. I usually end up covering the entire canvas with paint. but I am slowly getting into it and really enjoying it.

        how long did this piece take to finish? I really enjoy the vacant space. it gives the picture a really nice feeling with the spots of grass and really light background color.

        • Link

          I'd say about two hours, and a lot of that was drying time. Watercolor can do some really neat layering effects (up to a point) provided you give the paper enough time to dry and work with quick strokes.

          If you get impatient, hair dryers work wonders, but they can push the paint around if there's a lot of water down / you have the air too high / it's too close to the paper. I'd experiment on some test paper with some random washes to get the feel of it before you try it on a piece.

          Yeah don't be afraid of vacant space and leaving details out! I worked from a ref photo for the background and it would've been a giant mess if I'd tried to paint all the dirt and brown grass. You can always add extra stuff later if you decide it's missing something, but you can't really take it out or paint over it if you decide it's too much.

          • Link

            wow, only 2 hours?

            thank you so much for the tips. I'll keep the hair dryer thing in mind. sorry for asking a lot, but I was curious about the outlines. did you use a pen after the painting or did you work around the pen lines...? or was it something other than pens? sorry again, I'm currently going to be working on a landscape for my class, and I'm worried about it.

            • Link

              Hey I love talking about art! :D

              I used a micron pen beforehand; the watercolor just doesn't tend to show up too well on top of black. I did go back in and thicken a few lines and add some hatching afterwards (which I'll do if any of the paint is particularly opaque and makes the lines duller) but the lines were pretty visible after painting even without adding anything extra!

              You don't even really have to do ink. Pencil underneath watercolor also looks lovely. I just really like the look of ink. :)