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Cinnamon scouts desert on Rooth'kran -- by DeadlyChestnut by Rooth

Cinnamon scouts desert on Rooth'kran -- by DeadlyChestnut


d.chestnut ( is a very talented artist, and I had a great time working with her to design this version of Rooth, as an Ikran. A desert ikran. Thus the legs. Yes, I know, ikran don't have legs. But Rooth does. Why? Because he looked pretty silly without them. And he needs feet to launch from sand dunes. Ikran in the movies could just cling to trees and rocks and never had to land. Foey!

So... right. Rooth and Cinnamon patrolling the skies over Pandora's desert region. HOLY COW fantastic! Look at how much went into this piece! Such atmosphere. Look at the sky! Look at the arch! Lots of detail. To say nothing of the being design. Rooth'kran was new. Cinnamon was kind of new. As a Na'vi / jackrabbit hybrid, she's a tough concept to get across. She's changed a bit from her original design. I especially like how her PandoraUSB cables came out in this one. They're perfect. Sharing a base with the ears, but becoming separate tendrils, that's turned out to be full of win. Woot! Zeroing in on reference sheet material for her!

I'm in love with this piece. This is one of those that's going to be printed and framed, methinks. And hung, of course!

I can't wait to work with D.Chestnut again. :)

Art © 2012   d.chestnut

Characters, Rooth'ragon © 1991-2012 rooth (me)

... Cinnamon © 2012 rooth (me)

Pandora & Na'vi ™ James Cameron

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