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Macro Construction :: Geemo & Rooth -- by macroceli by Rooth

Macro Construction :: Geemo & Rooth -- by macroceli


macroceli ( did this commission for me, featuring Geemo and I in a constructive 'frame' of mind. :) After sitting on the eggs of several destructive, playful, and constructive concepts Geemo and I fed the big rex, this was the one which hatched out of Macroceli's brain. We were thrilled with it on 'paper', and many-plex more so now that it's come to life!

Notice whose side is lower. Notice whose brain is slower. ;) I think the original idea had Rooth'ragon in the mix, but I thought it'd be more amusing if some fool gave the moron the plans for the building to see what would happen. Geemo's an old hat at this, so to speak, and is doing just dandy with no such hand-holding.

I commissioned this piece in part to thank Geemo for helping me with Anthrocon's Artists' Alley 2011, and also in part 'cause I've known him for ages and we have a bit of overlap when it comes to macro appeal. A duo pic was inevitable, but it was his volunteerism that helped tip the balance.

I had a lot of other help at the Alley this year, many of whom were regulars. Shy, Delphi, Gimpy Dave, Wag!, and Anita, all returned from 2010 after Duncan's retirement. I'm very grateful to them for trusting me to run things, and grateful to the new folks as well (Irime, Anita's husband Tom, Barry, Dan, and the loaner folks I got from Registration (Tony Ringtail [whom I'm considering as my personal con savior]), and the Dealer's Room (Beck, Andy, and Kritter). They all were crucial to AA's success, but they shouldn't feel too left out. catmonkshiro is doing a little something for everyone. ^_^

Art © 2011   macroceli

Characters Geemo © geemo and Rooth'roo © 1992-2011 rooth (me)

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