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Muirgen of Saltshine by Rococospade

Muirgen of Saltshine


The traitor's mark on his cheek was overtaken by the scars from the eye he'd lost fighting.
It was still obvious what he was from the clothes he wore to the look on his face.

Muirgen in worse universes ends up losing an eye during his tenure in Illyrica.
He's very careful with his words and tries to read people for fun and profit. Shortly after his wife died, he was convicted of plotting against the Lord of his settlement and cast out. He took his daughter, fearing a worse fate if he left her in the settlement.
He is cynical and hopeful simultaneously. He's also not the sort to worry or become downtrodden until the situation is completely destroyed.
Aifric has verbalized more than once that she wishes he'd stop acting like he's a character in a mobster novel.

His attire is somewhat unusual for a selkie, landbound or not. He wears clothes aside from his coat (originally adopted because he liked how humans wore fur coats, but couldn't for the life of him figure out how to wear his in a similar fashion without showing the world the goods - or possibly having the sub-Arctic temperatures freezing them off). The charm on his necklace is marked with the selkie glyph for traitor. The colors represent seasons, and the red cord and tassels are related to ancient ceremonial attire for esteemed warriors and lords.

All (c) to me

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