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Yfel by rise13eyond



"What will your name be?"
"I already have a name."
"No,you no longer do. You cannot be who you were."
"I do not care! I am an evil being!"
"Then Yfel you shall be."
So I created this...guy for a roleplay. Which sadly did not last long. But I was very proud of my baby so I'm going to take what might help from the roleplay and then write his story. No clue what direction it should go in, or how it should end, but his backstory was too good not to use for something. Anyway his name is Yfel, obviously, he is a demon. I usually put demon characters into one of 4 categories, occasionally 2. He falls into 2 of them. Not gonna explain all of them right now, that would take a while. But the ones he fits into are what I call the Traditional Demon, and the Alluring Demon. he used to be human, however his sins sent him to Hell at which point he had to work to get another body, this one up there is the one he got. And I wasn't in any way going for practical or realistic in the design of this. Because 1. I can do what I want screw you. And more importantly as a sinner he does not "deserve" the luxury of a convenient human body.
It's really complicated actually. the majority of the story takes place in Hell, as in the traditional Christian Hell. The story smashes up Christian theology, slight elements of other religions and a lot of my own ideas. Not that the Heaven and Hell in this story reflect how I believe or think they ought to be. And yeah it's really...something. There's 100 different Heavens and at least twice as many Hells, which I just refer to as layers of Hell rather than separate places. That does not even scratch the surface. So hopefully I can pull it off.
But with the picture I ended up doing a portrait over a full body because I felt like it. But I do know what his lower half looks like and it's a bit less human than the top half. Spent a while tweaking the shading and playing around with different backgrounds before settling on this, and then I was like oh this would probably look better with some kind of boarder. Normally I would put a dark if not black boarder, but I thought white would be a bit more interesting. I also didn't want to draw all of him because yes the demons still have genitals and such, but do not regularly wear clothing. Multiple reasons for those but I am already shoving more information than anyone probably wants to read, so I'm gonna stop here.

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