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At the carnival by ReptileFetishGallery

At the carnival


This is something I drew to cheer me up after my birthday. Before I was able to finish this drawing, I had a very depressing and sad phase, when my friend... Turned out not to be my friend anymore... :,(

King K. Rool is the only fictional character to cheer me up the most when I'm down and one great friend of mine RPs as him sometimes. That's why I like to draw the Kremling king in very romantic situations most of the time. So yes, I have a big fictional crush on him. <3

King K. Rool from the Donkey Kong Country games (c) Nintendo, Rareware, Paon

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  • Link

    I know that feeling all to well. I had an entire group of people I wasted years with turned out that way. You should enter the King in any eating contest they may have at the fair!

    • Link

      That would've been a great idea indeed, but I guess there were no eating contest to be found. <X3

      I don't know what my ex-friend is doing nowadays, but I don't care about it anymore. It does feel terrible when you thought they were your friends, would let you down.

      • Link

        Around here there's almost always a contest like that! I've been in a few. Although one Ren-Faire campout I went to had one with haggis, I skipped out on that one! It's not your fault about it either, some people are just toxic. I ran into plenty of these people over time.

        • Link

          Oh gosh, haggis!! X,D lol Understandable, it's really gross!
          Thanks, it makes me feel better to read it's not my fault for thinking this way. And I'm sorry to read that you ran into these people yourself.