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Fast food small wolf by reedman

"Hop, hop, hop. Don't mess up on your first day."

Blue, an ironically named red wolf was hopping around a giant keyboard while a collection of giants echoed their requests. Burgers, fries, chicken, and more. If it was fast food, people were getting it here. The micro wolf was annoyed at the constant leaping he had to do just to press buttons, but he was happy he at least had some work. The house he lived at was starting to charge rent for the mousehole he lived in. He was grateful a close friend of his (and the Micro Rights Organization) got him a job at the local Burger Palace. The pay was decent and the conditions were ok.

"Ok, that's two cheeseburgers and a medium fry. That will be eight dollars sir."

A giant of a fox smiled as he swiped his credit card. Blue hopped on a few more buttons to process the charge, when he was suddenly lifted high up in the air. He looked to see a dark brown rabbit holding him in his large paw. It was Blue's boss Mr.Bonson. A short, gruff rabbit that was nicer when he was off the clock.

"Blue, I need you on bagging the orders. I have more cashiers than I need. Tiny or not, I need you to get the job done."

Before he could protest, Blue was whisked away from the register. He was quickly plopped onto a small metal expanse. Food was being dropped into gargantuan bags that swelled high above him. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Might as well get this started."

The small wolf was grateful he wasn't alone. A zoned-out tiger with earbuds was filling up the bags. He barely noticed the micro as he filled up the bags for orders. Blue figured the tiger had this part mostly under control, so he helped by pushing containers of fries for each order. Their fries were so greasy that the containers slid along with ease. The fox shook his head in amusement.

"I swear these fries are greasy enough to give me a bath."

Blue kept pushing each container of fries as someone at the fry warmer was handing them down for him to push. Of all the things he had to put up with at his job, he loved his fellow employees. Besides a certain tiger with earbuds, they were all careful to watch for him when he was on the clock. They even risked their own jobs to defend him when microphiles tried to harass him or worse. Blue was shocked out his thought when his view was filled with a familiar bunny paw. Mr.Bonson was back with a smile.

"I'm glad to see the orders are comin' out fast on this very busy day! If y'all could make it go just a bit faster, I might even consider a small bonus to y'all back here."

The moment the bunny boss left, everyone kicked it up a notch. The person at the fry wamer dumped fries faster, the tiger wrapped up burgers quicker, and Blue pushed the fries even faster. He was glad the fries were greasy enough to slide the container with a simple push.

This however, would prove to be his undoing.

While pushing another order of small fries, Blue was pushing so hard, he never noticed the ready hand of the tiger at the end of his path. When he picked up the fries from the micro, Blue shot forward from the force he was using to push. He slipped on the nearby burger and fell on his face. He looked to see himself squarely in the middle of the thin piece of cooked meat. The wolf scrambled to get off, but something cold forced him down. A quick taste deciphered it was very sticky ketchup.

"Great, this marks the fourth time."

While trying to pull himself from the entrapping condiment, Blue failed to notice the incoming bun from the tiger trying to work fast. The wolf felt his whole body pressed deeper into the burger then he wanted. He could hear the burger being wrapped and dropped into the bag as he was shaken around.

"Why me? Why can't I ever just get stuck in things less dangerous?"

Blue grumbled to himself as the bag bounced around in what he assumed to be the hand of yet another happy customer. He thought to himself as he nibbled on a piece of the burger.

"Maybe if I do the stereotypical micro scream, they'll hear me."

As Blue tried to wiggle closer to the front of the burger, he could feel the burger being lifted. He managed to pop his head out to the front when he saw the owner of the burger.

"If Irony was a person, he'd be an asshole."

Filling his view, was Mr.Bonson, the very person that placed him in this situation. His eyes were filled with hunger, and drool dripped from his lips. Blue tried not to pay attention to the dark, dripping cavern that was his boss' mouth. He instead tried to scream for help. But alas, ketchup was squirted all over his exposed head from the burger being squeezed. He managed to shake his head enough so he could open his eyes, only to see an approaching mouth that would spell certain doom. The micro tried to wriggle free, but to no avail as he got to see what the inside of a rabbit's mouth looked like.

Blue was admittedly thankful when he felt the giant teeth brush by his feet rather than chomp on them. However, he did panic when the bite he was in was getting chewed up. Besides the tip of his tail getting nipped, the micro wolf was alright. Not for long though, as a downpour of water came in to wash down the food, and him. Tried as he might, Blue couldn't fight the power of a rabbit swallowing his food. He was pulled back by an invisible force, and down the throat he went. Mashed up pieces of the burger went down with him.

Blue landed inside a small lake that was the stomach juices of his boss. He floated in there grumbling to himself.

"I better get paid vacation for this!"

Mr.Bonson gave a light burp after swallowing the first bite of his burger. It was especially enjoyable, as it was more filling than the usual first bite of these burgers were. He finished his burger with haste, then decided to peek back into the kitchen. He saw a few of the employees asking each other if they've seen Blue.

"I hope Blue didn't get trapped in someone's food again. That'll be the second time already."

Fast food small wolf


Birthday present for blueeyedredwolf

om nom nom nom

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