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Ice Cream Affection by RaddaRaem

Ice Cream Affection


Art courtesy of eos9! (

Description written up by my best buddy Mannoth

“Oop! Sheepy, remember to save some for me!” Celia tutted softly. She peered down at her sweetie perched by one of her soft, supple digits that threatened to outsize him in sheer height, width and volume. Their chubby surfaces chafed as they wriggled and twiddled anxiously, but never once did Radda shift, knowing full well that he had a safety net of tubby blue tummy to catch him from behind. The Glaceon's tubnormous frame towered high over the bench she was once able to fit in earlier in the day... even if back then, her hips kinda pressed at the railing, and the individual planks of the seat sorta... made that creaking noise that benches usually make when they're about to break. It was a wonder that she could still sorta see what she sat on if she turned over her shoulder and looked really hard!

“Celiaaaa,” Radda bleated softly. He pulled his only popsicle close to his wooly chest, slurping and savoring its citrusy orange flavor discreetly. “You still have tubs in your hand! And empty ones in the trash bin!” A bahhing giggle escaped him as he papped the tremendous wall of rippling belly behind him. Its supple, marshmallowy surface groaned and gurgled right back, full of several dozen pounds of ice cream over the afternoon.

“So what?” Celia mused aloud. Her puffy cheeks were rounded and padded out as they pushed up into a smirk. Her diamond-shaped ears draped down along her shoulders, lining up with her hair neatly, the ice-type exuding a chilly aura that combated the natural warmth of her generous heft. She made a motion toward all of her. “How much do you think I won't need just to get through the afternoon? I'm a growing gal, Radda!”

“In more ways than one, sure,” Radda dug gently. He bahhed when a hand his size came down to bap him on the head. “Hey, I'm only kidding! Bahh.” He crossed his arms to his wooly chest, popsicle shoved into his mouth as he pouted. His dangling hooves kicked softly against the titanic digit upon which he sat. “Whhtrrvr.”

“Take that thing out of your mouth. I can't understand you.” Celia's voice boomed at deep-sea decibels.

Radda's head flung from side to side.

“I'm not going to eat it.”

Radda harrumphed and stuck his sheepy snoot high into the air.

Celia's shoulders and eyes both rolled. “If you dooo, we can go home for snuggles and get out of this ridiculous heat. Faaair?”

Radda's keratinous fingers found each other and pressed against themselves wordlessly, steepling and pondering. His blue eyes fell to their rims before he looked up and met her sincere gaze. Finally, the popsicle slipped back out between his lips. “Oh... fiiine, I'll quit being silly. You drive a hard bargain, you know!”

“Who's to say I didn't just want a good excuse?” The deep, rumbling words were rich like chocolate, and succeeded in stirring the sheepy down to his bones. A bit of red could be caught streaking along the blue tone of his cheeks.

Submission Information

Visual / Sketch


  • Link

    It was a blast trading with ya, Sir Reep! >:3 Hopefully my words did the lovely pic justice!

    • Link

      Of course they did! Love love love the words you wrote up for this! :3