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Maia Grant, 2018 by RachelTheSeeker

Maia Grant, 2018


Back in my early days of posting my art online, I used to revise my characters' designs sometimes by completely revising their designs. Welp, that ain't me anymore. But I did want to try and 'fix' Maia's design since her birth in 2015. After all, I'm planning on dropping Jason in my works altogether, and Lovela from my non-vore works, to make Maia as Rachel's metaphorical 'Player 2'.

As such, I decided to remove the dumb aspects of Maia's original design to make it more simplistic. Gone are the lengthy sleeves, made long to make her seem less like Renamon (which is where I derived the sleeves from). Gone is the dumb open-in-the-front skirt. Gone are the jagged tufts of fur at the sides of her forehead hair. Gone are the double belts. Gone are the straps and unnecessary flaps on her tube top.

What we have now is a more concise design. We now have wrist warmers, no skirt, a touched-up hairdo, one belt with a buckle, and a simpler top. Her knee-highs remain, as to me they're paramount to her design. And while this revised Maia looks different, I feel she's not totally alien to her original design. The Beast Wilds are a warm place, and I feel her lighter apparel befit a pugilist like herself.

It's 2018. I'm three years older, wiser, and a better artist than I was in 2015. Rachel's design was simple enough to where I only needed to remove her upper-arm wrap, but Maia's was all over the place. Hope you folks enjoy the new outfit!

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Visual / Traditional