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Saltwater Girlfriend [05.07-24.19, 05.08-07.04.20] by ProphetEKA

Saltwater Girlfriend [05.07-24.19, 05.08-07.04.20]



  • HB, 4H Pencil on Printer Paper.
  • Inked and colored in Autodesk Sketchbook.
  • Background, text and effects done in Fireworks.

Process Videos:

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Hot DAMN! This took a while to finish. o.O

I started it as a project for Mermay 2019 & bailed on it that June. I got the basic sketches done (and a bit of story planning, too) but I wanted to get it done digitally. At the time, my equipment wasn't up to the task.

Smash cut to May 2020. Another Mermay but I now have new gear and nothing but time thanks to everything going on. I printed out the existing sketches & light tabled the lines 'cause I'm Way faster on paper than I am on a tablet. I scanned those in, fired up SketchBook & recorded the everything from the inks straight on through to the colors. The reason this has a finished date of July 4th despite dropping today is it took me that long to finish stitching together the last video. -.-

Overall, I'm very happy with how this came out. Even though the theme of this went from "Cute couple floating in water" to "You're going to change all that work you just did in a second 'cause you found a better way to do it". The shading came out better than I hoped it would, I found a really great pattern for May after struggling for a while on it and I still have the bones of an idea that I can act on in the future if I want to.

Not too shabby for something that took a over a year to finally come together. = P

Submission Information

Visual / Digital