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Beach Modeling 2023 - Romy the Iron Valiant by PrivateDoomsday

Beach Modeling 2023 - Romy the Iron Valiant


FACT: Nothing needs to be re-rated, due to the fact that this gal has barbie doll nudity as an advantage.

Technically, the modeling isn't at a beach, but right at part of a surfing machine that's being repaired and temporarily shut down, at Jade Park! (Ring City's amusemetn park. This is where a certain anthropomorphic iron valiant decided to model for fashion.

Meet Romy; an anthropomorphic iron valiant and biological sister of Gizella! (Actually wasn't born normally but created; being about the same age as Gizella, but not being her twin, as a result. Also being bio-organic.)

This cheerful, hyper, socially-awkward poke-gal is known to work as a ifeguard at Jade Park. (Her manager, being a friendly individual, appreciates her dedication to the job, as well as her great sense of humor! Working her usual job as an indoor waterpark area's lifeguard, when not, doing her OTHER job as a fashion model, for the same company Gizella works, for!)

P.S.; she's also very cuddly at times. (While wearing a sexy Baywatch-style one piece swimwear, she's showing herself in a cute pose with her eager to cuddle with her husband, on a slow day...with not much customers around the waterpark area, at the moment!)

Who's her husband, exactly? That is to be revealed, in the future! (P.S.; she does have barbie doll nudity as an advantage for a lot of things, so nothing needs to be re-rated!)

= Romy the Iron Valiant is (c) by me, mk0987, and another friend of mine
= The artwork is (c) by me
= The "Pokemon" franchise is (c) by Nintendo

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