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Druid Faun by Prismara

Druid Faun


Here's something I drew a while back, and finally got around to cleaning up and getting ready to post.

I felt like drawing a faun, and I went looking for inspiration. I think it was some kind of elf druid CG picture that I finally used some of the pose elements from, but I didn't care for the outfit. I went looking for outfit inspiration, and the one that caught my eye had a neat martial arts pose that, if I'd seen it when I was looking for inspiration to begin with, I probably would have used instead!

Still, I'm pretty happy with how this came out, and I still have the other picture for when I want to try that pose, too.


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Visual / Sketch


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    Looks great!
    For what it's worth, over the years, you've... modified... the way I think fauns would be.

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      Have I, now? In what sense? I'm genuinely curious!

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        It's hard to explain. Previously, my thoughts were more like the first guy they run into in The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, plus what I've heard of fauns and satyrs are like in Greek mythology. Now, I see them as a race rooted in nature, and would get along with wood elves. That they could build a civilization, but only in directions that don't conflict with their core values, such as admiration of beauty, artistic and musical expression, and would rival how nice living in a typical Lord of the Rings-style Elven settlement would be.

        Huh,,, that's actually a highly specific description, I wasn't expecting it.

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          Interesting. Fauns are, as I understand it, basically the Roman version of satyrs, and in Greek mythology, satyrs are hedonistic to a fault. For my fauns, I basically see them as hunter-gatherers with a very 'work hard, play hard' outlook. With every attempt to combine the two, thus being very enthusiastic about everything they do. I've been taking care to try and draw them without metal implements, as they have no knowledge of such things. They probably don't have a civilization, as such, but would certainly be rooted in nature, with all the 'red in tooth and claw' that comes with it.

          It's always important to remember that 'natural' does not equate to 'good'!

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            Ah, thanks for telling me that, I saw you were making your fauns tribal characters, but didn't know the thought process.

            A thought-provoking thing is some of the Planet Earth wildlife footage on BBC. Very often a predatory animal with cubs to feed is chasing after some herbivore and her foals, and it doesn't tell you who to root for. Both have to eat to survive. Both have young to feed. But whichever one lives, the other must die.