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Bearyls by PlatinumChunx



Some crystalline creatures designed to look like bears.

So obviously the name Bearyl is just a pun on the Ursine creatures known as bears and the Beryllium mineral Beryls. Technically Goshenite is the purest form of Beryl as it is 100% clear and doesn’t fracture as easily as all the others, though it is fairly unpopular, rarely cut into gems and deemed inferior to other clear crystals (diamond and white sapphire). It was however used to make some of the earliest crack resistant spectacle lenses, hence why the Bearyl goshenite is wearing a neat pair of glasses. The more well known beryls are actually the ones with “imperfections” that give them all their iconic pigments. Emerald being the most popular can get its color from chromium Or vanadium, I based the raw emerald off of a speckled bear not only due to the markings but they are native to Columbia where quite a bit of the worlds emeralds are mined from. Her emeralds have fractures as they are quite delicate (even the cut natural emeralds will have internal fractures and particles includes in them). Note that Green Beryl and Emerald are considered different gems as its popularity has led to “gatekeeping” where if it isn’t green enough, it isn’t considered emerald, and not as valuable. I tried to make the Green Bearyl come of as shy and insecure because of this. The Lab emerald Bearyl as implied by its name is based of off emeralds that have been artificially grown. They are normally clearer, smoother, and are almost always a “perfect” shade of green. The lab emerald Bearyl is meant to look “perfect and desirable”. She’s had work done, her hair is most likely a wig, and is kinda flaunting her stuff.

Next is bixbite, the rarest form of Beryl. They apparently are formed near lava and are mined in the mountains of Utah. Bixbite are most commonly found in small amounts, most barely big enough to be cut into the smallest of gemstones. That’s why i made the Raw Bixbite Bearyl a little gremlin. (The fact that it has Bite in its name is also why I made his entire mouth crystalline) Lab grown Bixbite is normally larger than natural bixbite and like lab emerald is less fractured, clearer, and smoother. The Bearyl version was made to be big and muscular once again purposely aiming to be “desirable”.

Heliodor is interesting. It was thought to hold the power of the sun in it and was responsible for the rising and setting of the sun. This is why the Bearyl form is based off a sun bear. Heliodor also has “Chatoyance” meaning it is able to bend light in a way that gives some gems the “Cat’s eye” look. Gems cut to show off chatoyance are smooth a round, so I made the Chatoyant Bearyl friend shaped.

Aquamarine is the second most popular beryl. Note that they along with Heliodor aren’t as fractured as Emerald and Bixbite. This is because they are noticeably more durable than them. Once again Aquamarine is commonly found in South America and thus speckled bear. One of the benefits Aquamarine reaps from being second best is that even pale blue Beryls are still welcome in the Aquamrine club. I’m honestly not sure why I the pale aquamarine Bearyl looks depressed.

Morganite is 3rd place in the Beryl popularity contest. They get their pink to orange pigment from Manganese. Even though they are 3rd place it was hard to find them cut into jewelry for a while but as of 2006 they’ve been coming more and more to the public eye (must be going to the Morganite Bearyl’s head).

Maxine seems a rich purple/deep blue at first but when exposed to sunlight it can quickly fade to a murky or faded brown. (The Bearyl seems pretty upset by this) Radioactivity however can temporarily restore its rich blue/purple color. (Just look how pumped the Radio Maxixe Bearyl is, they must think they’re a superhero)

The orange morganite was meant to be my victory lap before I realized I had quite a bit of space left on the paper to draw Pale Aqua and Radio Maxixe. I tried to incorporate my favorite design choices from the previous Bearyls in orange (the fully crystalline left paw, the crystals of her head looking like hair)

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