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Return of the Jack by JooJoo by Patrigue

Return of the Jack by JooJoo


Hello everyone! Happy Pride Month!

So you might be wondering who this wolf is. If you don't recognize this character, it's probably because up until now, I haven't commissioned any art of him in over two and a half years.

This is Jack C. Wolfe.

Originally, he was created through a collaboration through me and one of my best friends, and by collaboration, I mean that I bothered him for a description of what his fursona would be and commissioned a ref sheet of it for his birthday. While it was intended as a gift, I also commissioned it so I could include him in some of my stories alongside his girlfriend (who was also in the fandom). However, due to complications that I'm not going to go into because it's nobody's business but theirs, the two broke up and went their separate ways.

So, I stopped writing stories and commissioning art of them, and focused more on Pat, Perci, and Andrew. However, a while back I realized how long it had been since art's been made of Jack, so I asked my friend about him and whether or not he was okay with me including him in my stories again. To my surprise, he relinquished full creative control of the character to me, saying that he knew I'd be faithful to his character.

And with it being Pride Month and all, I figured the best way for him to re-introduce himself would be to come out of the closet! For almost as long as I've known him, my friend's been questioning his sexuality and romantic identity, and it wasn't until last year that he finally realized that he's a panromantic asexual.

In celebration, I had JooJoo whip this up for him.

So here he is! Out and proud! Ready to join my roster of characters once again! Expect him in more of my stories, although do be respectful if he passes on the sexy hijinx. It's not really his thing.

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