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Sara and Kleeyo filler episode by ozfoxaroo

Sara and Kleeyo filler episode


A fine example of the talent of desertratphelios I asked for a crossover of the characters of the World of Warcraft webcomic Sara and Kleeyo ( and my own from my long-on-hiatus comic Kaustic auZzie Notes, to which Desertratphelios produced this marvellous piece. Clef Leggett, the author of Sara and Kleeyo has posted it today (18/12/2013).

Cast from left to right:
Jyosette [S&K], showing off her firearm
Patrick Digby [KZN], Auto-mechanic by day, plays in-game as "Pigdig". Tag skills: Accounting (contrasting the day job), all ranged weapons including pistols, rifles, shotguns, miniguns, energy weapons, RPGs, flame-throwers and BFG10Ks. As he's only level 10 or thereabouts in this picture he's downcast at being shown up by Jyo's weapon, but he'll level up quickly through his love of shooting and blowing things up.
Michael Sauerpüss[KZN], General admin by day, plays in-game as "Kangaar Foxfire." Level 100 or thereabouts. Tag skills: Engineering (again contrasting the day job), hand to hand combat, kickboxing, and speed boost. Can do up to 60kph on foot in short bursts.
Sara[S&K]. human, having discovered that Michael has much thicker, softer fur than taurens.
GG1[KZN],(behind Michael and Sara) Level 250 mechanical "Iron Horse". A voice-interactive NPC that is both a mount and combat pet, and female. NOTE: This is GG1 in her initial incarnation as a game NPC, long before she is accidentally transformed into an anthro horse.
Talia[S&K], tauren child, Kleeyo's young daughter, having got over her initial fright of a compressed-air breathing mechanical she is now discovering the thrill of riding her.
Kleeyo [S&K], tauren, overwhelmed by the mayhem
Rachel "Misty" Hayes [KZN],Hyena, 18 year old school girl playing from West Virginia (my other characters are here in Australia), accustomed to gettting up early because she works part-time for a dairy. Plays in-game as "Hazelwar." About level 30. Tag skills: melee weapons and throwing. She's spoilt, truculent and her temper is worse even than Kleeyo's. Carries a stash of grenades around in the game. This is actually her debut as I haven't had her depicted anywhere before now.

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