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A Thorough Introduction to Hive Symbiotes by Or-Fi-S

A Thorough Introduction to Hive Symbiotes


Succubats like to hunt for potential hosts that share a gender with themselves. Once they find one, succubats attach at the base of the spine.

What do they do to me?
They change your body, expelling all foreign material, and reshaping you generally towards a thin, athletic, and busty (when applicable) ideal of your gender. They often make hosts look fiercer: Claws, sharper teeth, spines, or a giant mouth on the tail are all common. Succubat hosts find that they're healthier and more energetic than they used to be, as the symbiote helps regulate hormone imbalances.

Succubats want their hosts healthy and productive, and things like depression get in the way of that. Symbionts all feel a sense of empathy for their fellow symbionts and succubats. You don't have to be nice to each other, but seeing each other in pain hurts like seeing a puppy or fellow person in pain. Once paired up, a succubat is completely integrated with their host.

Are there any side effects?
Kind of. Socially, a lot of people are distrusting of symbiotes and symbionts, sometimes treating them like body snatchers, or zombies, or like sex demons. Law enforcement will look for (or make up) reasons to break up gatherings of succubats and arrest them. Also, succubats want to help a hive and queen. If you don't help any queens at all, the succubat will get sad and lethargic, and you'll start to feel that from them too. If a Symbiont had transformative powers, they'll find that hiding being a succubat requires conscious action. If they just "transform into a human", then they'll be a human who looks like a succubat symbiont. They need to hide their horns, change their color, change their hooves, and hide their succubat tail.

So are you sex demons?
No. Hosts are free to have sex, like any consenting adults, but you're not compelled to have sex any more than asyms (non hosts) who happen to be at their physical prime with super attractive bodies and no gender dysphoria, who find themselves surrounded with similarly fit and attractive people. Hives often have a very high concentration of LGBT+ people as well.

Crown Crabs
Crown Crabs are adolescent Hive Queens. They're interested in any potential hosts. Crown Crabs attach to the top of the head.

What do they do to me?
Like succubats, they expel all foreign material from your body. Crown Crabs cause rapid growth in hosts. Symbionts gain lots of increased muscle mass, as their skeleton grows to accommodate it. Symbionts have massive torsos. They have huge chests, wide shoulders, and big arms and hands. They grow spikes all over their body, mostly on the arms at the shoulder, elbow and knuckles, as well as occasionally along their head and back. Depending on the symbiont's gender, they'll also experience hip growth and breast development.

Crown Crabs have more extreme mental changes, as the symbiote literally takes up residence in their head. Symbionts often describe it as having an excitable and protective dog in their head. Crown Crabs want to protect their hivemates, and especially the symbiotes. You don't need to follow every whim or desire of your symbiote, but if you neglect it, it'll become rebellious and agitated, causing a lot of problems for you mentally. More than another else, a healthy crown crab symbiont is a relationship, as the host and symbiote work together and care about each other. Once paired up, a Crown Crab is completely integrated with their host.

Are there any side effects?
Crown Crabs not only experience stronger prejudice against then than succubats, but with their new extreme bodytypes, Symbionts can find they don't fit into spaces not designed to accommodate extremomorphs, including their own home and vehicles. As mentioned earlier, a crown crab can't ignore their symbiote's desire to help the hive without hurting themselves mentally. Crown Crabs need to eat a lot more food to maintain their huge, muscular body. Expect to eat close to 20,000 calories a day. Not eating enough will wear down on your life, permanently. If a Symbiont possessed transformative powers, they'll find they can't hide being a crown crab, as their symbiote always gives it's own twist on the result.

Are Crown Crabs dumb brutes?
No. Crown crabs are no less intelligent than they were before becoming a symbiont. They're just big and strong.

Hive Queens
Hive Queens are Crown crabs that have been cared for so they can grow to maturity. Hive Queens attach to the spine of hosts.

What do they do to me?
Hive queens massively grow symbionts. Hosts grow, become 3 times taller than they used to be, with increased muscle mass, and larger secondary sexual characteristics, depending on their gender. Hive queens gain claws and spikes. Their tail is replaced by, or merged with the Queen's abdomen, a giant womb and incubation chamber. They almost immediately begin laying eggs, creating new succubats and crown crabs to hopefully get people that can help get the Queen Food.

Hive Queens are massively hungry, all the time. They need to not only maintain their body, which is even bigger than crown crabs, but they need the food to make more and more eggs. Hive Queens can't stop making eggs, they can only specify if they're making succubats or crown crabs. Queen Symbionts don't experience much mental changes, just fixed dysphoria and fixed hormones like with all symbionts. However, their dire hunger will drive queens to do anything they can to eat and stay alive. New queens should be prepared with lots of food on hand, and supportive friends, if they want a peaceful transition.

Are there any side effects?
The hunger. Queens need more food than any one person can reasonably get, and as they continue living, they continue to grow and need more food. So their food has to be plentiful and sustainable. They also have trouble fitting into the world, and need accommodations that can cater to an extremomorph like them. Queens can also find moving around quickly difficult, as their tail is full of growing and incubating eggs. Overexertion could harm their unborn children. Queens Symbionts are also infertile. The symbiote demands too much from the host to bear children, or to help others do so. Queens can have sex, like any symbiont, but unlike the others, they can't have kids. If a Symbiont possessed transformative powers, they'll find it's impossible to change in a way that would get in the way of being a Hive Queen. Shrinking, changing their tail, and hiding their symbiote are all impossible.

Are Hive Queens all Female?
No. Hive queens can be any gender.

Symbiote - Succubats, Crown Crabs and Hive Queens. An organism that forms a mutually beneficial relationship with a host.
Symbiont - The person the symbiote is attached to. Some symbionts prefer this term to "Host". Can also be called by their symbiote. EX: A succubat symbiont can be called a succubat.
Asym - Asymbiont. Without a Symbiote. A way to talk about people who aren't symbionts without using words like "normal".

Commission for OvertheLune

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  • Link

    Gives a lot of info and covers questions I had regarding these little cuties. Thanks! ^.^

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    I assume the white one on her head is a crown crab but it has a different horn style than that rest we have seen..

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      Most likely a queen-to-be succubat, since crown crabs are just adolescent hive queens

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        Yeah, it's starting to shift to the queen horns, and is growing longer. it's still technically a crown crab until it can make eggs

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    The more I hear it explained the more it seems rather inconvenient to have one, especially the whole hive serving becoming part of your very core being. I'll save other thoughts I have for another time.

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      I think they're v convenient to have. Feeling bad for others isn't the worst thing.

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        But then you get to how the unturned treat them and it gets a little stressful, I honestly don't know how to feel about the whole idealized body thing. Yeah, I think a lot about stuff like this.

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          People will treat you like that for plenty of more mundane things, that actually happen. We just had a whole pride month about it

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            So it is pretty much an allegory, I'm not the most well informed person when it comes to stuff like this and that's why I have so many questions.