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Quitter in the TARDIS by OddOly

Quitter in the TARDIS


I'm surprised I'm on time without the use of the TARDIS but as you might remember today is the 5th of November and it's... sn0otchie's birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :D I'm sorry I don't have a cake... or a fishcake... but I have this! Every show would be better with Bernard Black in it! Weeell, almost every show...

Bernard was not as hard to draw as I expected but drawing Twelve for the first time was quite a challenge (a fun challenge but still)! Granted, I'm used to drawing Quinton but compared to Quinton Twelve has shorter hair, classier clothes and isn't quadriplegic. So this was a bit weird but really fun. Seriously, if I ever run out of my own stories (I hope that doesn't happen but still) I'll just sit there drawing weird British crossovers.

Anyway, if you like all things British you should go watch sn0otchie and if you don't you should still go watch her because in one word, she is BRILLIANT!

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  • Link

    Doctor Who is a show I miss. There's just so many to watch ahah!
    Anyway I love your coloring style so much!

    • Link

      Thank you! And I definitely recommend it, especially now that Peter Capaldi is the Doctor! (And Black Books as well if you haven't seen it.) And yeah, so many shows so little time! :D

      • Link

        I will see if I can manage to watc it xD
        Yeah D:

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          Doctor Who sounds like an intimidating show to get into but you can easily start with episodes from 2005!

          Some people even say you can start with series 2 (when David Tennant took over the role) or series 5 (with Matt Smith) but I think that it's best to start from 2005 or in case you're not sure if you can invest that much time right with the newest series with Peter Capaldi, though you'll miss out on a lot of good stuff then. Personally I think writing was the best in series 1-4 but the 50 years anniversary special is also very good and the newest series is working towards fixing some issues of series 5-7.

          • Link

            Yes indeed xD

            Thank you! I will give it a try as soon as I finish what I am watching now :D