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Bonk by Nommz



"Hey, is this where we turn these in?" the navy-furred fox asked with a shot of excitement in his voice, hands filled with his orange marbles, each inscribed with a number.

"Yes, yes, would you like me to check your choices, kupopo~?" Flint's wings fluttered a bit, though he kept his feet on the ground.

"Yes, please. There's gotta be a winner in there. I can feel it." Sky dumped the ten marbles into Flint's hands, which were much smaller, considering the mog's stature. "Even if it's a minor prize winner."

The purple-pom-pommed moogle held them up, checking the numbers. This wasn't the first day of the announcement, so he was well-acquainted with the winning digits. "Nope. Nope. Nope..." he continued as he checked, melting away the fox's smile with each subsequent repetition of the word. The anger settled in with the tenth failure.

"Are you serious?" Sky rolled his eyes, turning his whole body away from the moogle. Without going any further, the blue mage's body language was showing his disappointment and anger. "Okay, just gimme the stupid... bonanza balls. Maybe I can go knock out an orc or somethin'..." He let out a dramatic sigh as he held his hand out.

Flint had a reaction of his own, unseen by the vulpine due to his immature behavior. The mog had seen this before. Such an ungrateful adventurer. His facade of pleasantness warped slightly; his face was met with a mere twitch of the brow: a simple difference yet large enough to cause a complete change. The demand of the fox's hand was returned with a long squeaaaak~ of a giant toy mallet upon his head...

Commission for, and story snippet [CHECK OUT THE WHOLE STORY HERE: ) by Microkero!

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    I totally dig the coloring and the awesome POV ... those huge moogle-footpaws are really hot too, love the squishy pads and that fluffy fur - totally envy those micros in front of his toes <3