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UanaWhales by NocturnOwly



News Alert: New technology has allowed scientists to video creatures father down in the ocean. Upon attaching a video camera to a large squid the camera found its way into the depths and recorded that squid’s flash like lights for social communication [no joke, check out national geographic] During one of the recordings a large iguana shaped creature was spotted in the light of the squids. Another try with a solitary camera bumped into one of the creatures startling it and causing it to attack. The creature swam to the surface in rage attacking the ship and on site has now been the subject of studying.

Species: UanaWhale

[The green and white one is my on personal character Beetlejuice ~<3]

Size: HUGE Uanawhales range from about 16-20 feet high and 70-80 feet long.

Weight: around 142,000 lbs

Skin: The skin is hard and scaly but the scales are very close together and smooth, giving a soft appearance. The head on the creature is simply skin, like that of a orca whale. Because of the head's lack of protection the sensory barbs that protrude from it are highly poisonous. [The bright the color of the Uanawhale, the more deadly] The barbs also act like a catfishes in the dark waters to help eye sight.

The light at the end of their body tassel provides greater light and sensory for the beast which appears to have eyes that are used for something other than sight. In the wild it has been recorded to whip around in a jittery motion to lure in prey.

A loud wale was heard when communicating with another beast but most of the time the creatures have been solitary.

Habitat: The creatures have already been spotted in the pacific, atlantic, artic, and indian oceans and are expected to be in even more areas. Their colors are generally correspondent to their habitat.

Appearance: The appearance of these creatures have strangely matched other wild ocean animals.

[ex. The two patterns above; the black and white resembles a banded sea snake and the orange/brown/white resembles a lionfish.

The inside of the mouth glows just like the light at the end of its tassel, the color also matches this light. The color of the light is always one of the colors that you see on its body
[you can’t really tell cause I wanted to make them glow in the picture, but the green and black one actually has a green light.]

Strangely enough this creature has bristles as teeth just like a baleen whale. However behind the bristles lies a massive row of large ripping teeth. The baleen bristles [look like the bristles of a toothbrush] are thought to be carry over’s from evolution which may connect the baleen to this creature.

These creatures are commonly found with barnacles and small cleaner fish on their body.

The creature has four gills on each side of the body over its chest

The striped pattern on its lower neck that resembles the bottom jaw of a baleen is actually loose skin that they blow up and bob their head during courtship/territorial displays.


Uanawhales eat Sharks and other large prey. They do use the bristles to catch Krill and small micro bacteria’s good for its health.

Eyes are actually used to see souls, Uanawhales are the guardians of the 'Death Grave' which scientists have yet been unable to study, any attempts at using camera's has resulted in the camera actually shattering when hitting an invisible wall of high pitch vibrations. The area has an ominous and forsaken feel to it. Stories have already been told that they are the guides to this dark place for lost souls. This is questionable. Many legends will probably result from this creature’s strange attributes and characteristics.

Little is know about their breeding habits

They have been known to attack humans

If you would like your own Uanawhale please feel free to create one as long as you give me credit and put a link to the deviation in a comment here. You must also give a general description of your whale in your Deviation description including; Name, Species, Habitat, Personality, Likes, Dislikes, Story, etc. Have Fun.

and I will put it up

Uanawhale’s belong to me

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