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Art Fight - Summoning Circle - Animated by NightWolf714

Art Fight - Summoning Circle - Animated


A dark and foggy night in the woods ... the perfect place to practice a little magic.

I planned on doing one truly boombastic piece for art fight and when I saw Izuir's baby Nightshade on the front page even before Art Fight started, I know they were the one I wanted to use. I mean black kitten, witch, what more can I say?

A bit more difficult pose, and I'm still not as wild about the front legs or the hat placement. But pretty dang pleased with myself on the fog. That's something I haven't tried since .... a good many years. (Last picture I posted online with fog was 8 years ago.) And the animation. It's simple, GIMP doesn't allow for a ton, but I'm very proud of myself for figuring it out and getting it to work.

Shout out to Norv who always helps me with glow effects since he uses it a lot more than I do (and is really really good at it).