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Carol's Problem by mk0987

Carol's Problem
By: Roninhunt0987

X3 from the minds of Fang980 and I plz enjoy folks

Characters(C)belongs to their rightful owners

-lilac and carol's room-

Carol: -asleep wearing a pull up-

-whisper and tangle's room-

Tangle: -yawns as she wakes up in her room as she is furrified as she start to get dressed-

Whisper: -same as she is furrified getting dressed-

Tangle: mmmm man sleep was great

Whisper: mmhmm -smiles cutely as she is in her casual outfit and wonder if carol and Lilac are awake-

Tangle: we should check Carol and lilac huh

Whisper: alright -is barepawed as she walks to Carol and lilacs room-

-in Carol and lilac room both girls are asleep wearing pull ups-

Whisper: -pokes in to see they are still asleep-

Carol: -snoring-

Stupid mario: -smashes from the ceiling and yells in megaphone- THIS IS SPARTA!!

Whisper: -facepalm-

Carol: -kicks stupid Mario in the face and rolls over in her sleep-

Stupid mario: -on the floor- ow

Carol: zzz

Lilac: -yawns as she wakes up and checks she is still dry and proceeds to take it off as she starts to get dressed and etc and sees whisper- morning whisper

Whisper: O.o heya fang is cooking breakfast right now

Carol: snoring

Whisper: .w. give her a moment

Carol: -yawns as she wakes up-

Whisper: ^^

Tangle: =3 morning carol

Carol: morning -sits up and checks and sighs- wet

lilac: oof

Tangle and whisper: ^^; oh dear

Carol: daaad!

Jared: -runs in- ^^; oh dear its oki Carol it happens -pets her softly on her head-

Stupid mario: XD HA

Jared: -looks at stupid mario- .w.

Stupid mario: what??

Carol: -sighs- that's the 5 th time in a row

Jared: Carol its alright

Carol: -sighs-

Fang: breakfast!!!

-at breakfast-

Jared: -making sure tangle is oki-

Tangle: -is worried for carol-

Carol: -eating her breakfast slowly-

Jared: -pets tangle- its alright we'll find out later

Tangle: alright -looks to jared and smiles a lil- thanks dad

Jared: ^^

Merrick: -drinking some coffee-

Fang: Carol your fly is open...

Jared: fang can we talk a moment??

Fang: -looks to jared from the stove where he's cooking eggs- sure merrick keep an eye on the eggs

Merrick: got it

Jared: -whispers- its about Carol this is the fifth time she wets her bed.. i'm getting worried and concerned-

Fang: whispers really the fifth time already?

Jared: -whispers- even tangle and whisper are concerned so i dunno what the hell is going on

Fang: Jared Jared calm down just schedule a doctors appointment and see if she's drinking anything late at night I mean that's how we learned about tails wetting the bed right so take a breather man

Jared: -breathes in and then out- alright

Fang: good you'll be fine man don't worry so much not like she's sick

Jared: alright

-later at dr. seraph's office-

Dr. Seraph: Fang is right Jared appears Carol has been doing that.. hence reason she is doing that...

Carol: oh god... Lilac was serious and i didn't listen...

Jared: -pets carol- its alright

Carol: but-

Jared: Carol its oki ya didn't know this was gonna happen

Carol: but stupid mario dared me to do that a lot hence he laughed at me this morning

Jared: -has the look of shock and then sparks of electricity goes around him as he is gonna kill stupid mario for that-

Carol: -smiles as she chewed out stupid mario which she was gonna do at the start when stupid mario dared her-

Jared: -gets on the cellphone and calls fang to get stupid mario bounded and torture the hell out of him as he explains what dr. seraph diagnosis and what carol said to him-

Fang: jared...jared don't blow a gasket man don't okay we'll figure something out as for Carol put her on the line...

Jared: alright -gives carol the phone- ^^; uncle fang wants to talk with ya

Carol: -on the phone- yes??

Fang: kid you can't keep accepting bets like this....

Carol: s-sorry.. next time stupid mario pull something like that i will scream for ya or dad

Jared: ^^ good call on that

Carol: -smiles-

Fanh: good

Jared: ^^

-at the house-

Stupid mario: -has another bet and comes to carol-


Stupid mario: -knows he got sold out finally- D'OH!! -runs-

Fang: -grabs stupid mario-

Logan: so she's gonna be okay huh -drinks beer-

Jared: hold him still fang -has lightning machinegun punch ready for stupid mario-

Stupid mario: O_O ahhh!!!

Jared: -powers up-

Merrick: -looks to Logan- mmmhmm

Logan: was kinda obvious though the squirming the amount of times she would run to the nearest bathroom

Merrick: ahh

Jared: -starts whacking stupid mario hard and etc and jumps back to let fang do the finishing blow on stupid mario-

Stupid mario: -dizzy-

Logan: what you guys didn't notice. ..

Fang: -whacks stupid Mario with bat-

Jared: ahh

Stupid mario: OUGH!!

Shao khan: FINISH HIM!!

Fang: simply kicks Mario away and sighs I need a break from all of this

Logan: hmm


Lu Kang: -kicks shao khan in the face-

Shao khan: -on the floor-

Fang: shut up ya freaking petty dictator

Shao Khan: -flips the bird-

Fang: -kicks shao kahns head-

Shao Khan: -head loped off- X_x

Fang: I need a long break from this craziness

Carol: -smiles as she is back to her old self as she is playing video games with tangle-

Fang: better kid?

Carol: ^^ mmhmm -hugs- thanks

Fang: sure kid -pets her head-

Carol: -purrs-

Tangle: ^^ hehe

Stupid mario: -tries to do the same moment on the end of today's smg4 video of attempting to kick someone and of course carol blocks his foot- O_o doh

Carol: -judo throws stupid mario to the screen-

Stupid mario: AHHHHHHHHH!!!! -smacks into the screen cracking it- CRACK!! medic

screen blacks out: -makes a fart noise-

TFS Nappa: .w. the end


Carol's Problem



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