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Articulated koi tail with video by mirepoix

Articulated koi tail with video


This is a koi tail made for scardykat. It has an articulated skeleton that allows it to sway back and forth when you shake your booty a bit. I took a video that also demonstrates the detachable fin.

WIP here:

I learned a lot during this project! I am pretty proud of my detachable fin system. There is a cap to a Sharpie marker secured to the last piece of the skeleton. I grafted a piece of 1/2" spiral steel corset boning to the barrel with the ink removed. The barrel and boning were embedded in a piece of L200 that makes up the rear fin. The purpose of the boning is to add a little weight and sway to the top of the fin. The skin of the fin was affixed with 3M 77 spray adhesive.

The body's airbrushing came out much bolder than I was imagining, but it still looks nice. I made a stencil by blowing up a photograph of goldfish scales, then modifying it to make a repeating pattern. I started with white, then followed with a Velveeta cheese color. I finished it with some glittery gold to make it match the sheen of the spandex around it. Also because glitter.

The webbing and buckle belt is GREAT. I'm never making a tail like this without one. I don't even thread it through my belt loops! I just wear it over the belt that holds my pants up.

Comments and questions welcome!

Material sources:
Spandex is shiny milliskin from
Foam is super soft foam from there's some lux hq on the base for padding
Webbing and buckles from
Paint is Createx wicked from... somewhere.
Skeleton is foamed PVC from my local TAP plastics.

Submission Information

Visual / Other


  • Link

    amazing work! dang

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    So awesome! Love the scale detail!!

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    This is so neat, and your rabbit in the video made me giggle!

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      :D thanks! George was a friendly lil' dude.

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        I can tell! Is he a certain breed, or just an adorable muttbunny?

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          I dunno! He belonged to a roommate of mine. I thiiiink the story went that he was a lil' guy that his family's dogs were picking on, so my roommate rescued him and raised him. I don't know if he was a feral domestic rabbit or a wild, north american rabbit. I don't know my lagomorphs.

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            He looks like he was a feral domestic rabbit with those markings. Wild NA rabbits are much, much thinner built usually. I would guess he may have a touch of lop in him, but not a full breed. From what I can tell, he's a light colored brindle... rabbit nerding over LOL

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              Your username makes sense, then! :D