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The Raven and the Fox by Meora Hedva (critique requested)

The Raven and the Fox (critique requested)

Meora Hedva

The Raven and the Fox

Perch'd on a lofty oak,

Sir Raven held a lunch of cheese;

Sir Fox, who smelt it in the breeze,

Thus to the holder spoke:--

'Ha! how do you do, Sir Raven?

Well, your coat, sir, is a brave one!

So black and glossy, on my word, sir,

With voice to match, you were a bird, sir,

Well fit to be the Phoenix of these days.'

Sir Raven, overset with praise,

Must show how musical his croak.

Down fell the luncheon from the oak;

Which snatching up, Sir Fox thus spoke:--

'The flatterer, my good sir,

Aye liveth on his listener;

Which lesson, if you please,

Is doubtless worth the cheese.'

A bit too late, Sir Raven swore

The rogue should never cheat him more.

  • Le Corbeau et le Renard

Maître Corbeau, sur un arbre perché,

Tenait en son bec un fromage.

Maître Renard, par l'odeur alléché,

Lui tint à peu près ce langage :

« Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau.

Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau !

Sans mentir, si votre ramage

Se rapporte à votre plumage,

Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois. »

A ces mots le Corbeau ne se sent pas de joie ;

Et pour montrer sa belle voix,

Il ouvre un large bec, laisse tomber sa proie.

Le Renard s'en saisit, et dit : « Mon bon Monsieur,

Apprenez que tout flatteur

Vit aux dépens de celui qui l'écoute :

Cette leçon vaut bien un fromage, sans doute. »

Le Corbeau, honteux et confus,

Jura, mais un peu tard, qu'on ne l'y prendrait plus

Jean de La Fontaine -

Personnal illustration based on the Fable of Jean de La Fontaine for by portfolio.

Medium : Coffee/Pigments/Inks

FAQ : What is O Ka-Fée ?

O Ka-Fée is the term concerning all my paintings done with coffee. It concerns the way of painting and of obtaining textures with coffee. It's about projections of coffee, which once in stains on the sheet, undergo injections of pigments. (Powder, colorex, watercolor.)

Textures realized by coffee by drying (more or less sweetened) are unique, they are more interesting than those realized with water.

The coffee is a rather complex medium has to master, it's necessary to know its reactions to be able to manipulate it with pigments, we learn it every day.

O Ka-Fée also concern my graphic style and the whole universe which gets free of it. It's for that the term is my own brand. :)

Please, respect my universe and work.

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional