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Meeka reference sheet by Meeka

Meeka reference sheet


Updated the reference sheet because the old one made me mad!

Age: 25


species: Shiba Inu

height: 4 Ft (121.92 cm)

weight: 85 lbs

Meeka is quite a grumpy Shibe, who values her isolation and personal space above all. She is not one to smile often, and prefers her tail be straight, however it can’t help but curl when she’s happy or sleeping. Both her smile and her curly tail are things she finds embarrassing.

She was adopted by a family of cats, so carries many of their traits and habits (hissing, purring, meowing etc). Being raised by said cats, Meeka often doesn’t get along with other dogs very well, especially bigger ones, and has a mild case of “little man syndrome”, but is not a fighter in the least (that being said, she loves other shiba inus).
Getting close to this pup takes time, but once achieved, she’ll reveal her mellow, loyal side. Her distant, and cold demeanor makes it difficult to make friends, but values dearly the ones she has. Always feeling slightly out of place no matter where she goes, Meeka hopes to ease this ever looming feeling, and settle down somewhere nice and quiet.

Likes: music boxes, non fizzy drinks, fruit (especially watermelon and grapes), cold weather, bugs

dislikes: reminiscing, strangers, people touching her, her tail curling, heat

note: She’ll wear anything that matches, except dresses, skirt, Highheels, and makeup

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