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.Shift. by MatterIntoTheVoid



James/Darikey shift

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    It's chilling when along whatever part of the body of a monstrous being there is a face in its body. Even more interesting would be a profound explanation of how that face came to be, unless there couldn't be such an explanation for what it would entail being very difficult to understand. I've seen such design direction in other things. It's usually left to shock value, which is still very awesome. :)

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      Well it's really mid shift between the body of "James" to the body of "Darikey". Tai'lume are shape shifters by nature, being composed of Dark Matter they can shift to certain very set beings. They can appear "human" or they can appear as Dy'kletiun, and sometimes other things but it's rare. They have a close relative that can read DNA and repeat the DNA to change their shape to match it.

      Darikey was a Tai that overtook James' body (side effects included death), but Darikey read over James' DNA and even absorbed everything that made James who he was. So when Darikey first appears he is really just like James, but he doesn't know James is dead. He thinks he's a living entity inside of James. So later on when he finds out.. oh hey, James died... He sort of.. changes a bit, but he still has a lot of the same qualities when it comes to his family. His mentality just changes quite a lot in terms of how he handles himself and reacts to things. So it's not really a shock value! Darikey is truly a shape shifter :) I was debating giving him a Dy'kletiun form too