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Toiletta Café by Malachyte

Toiletta Café


This picture needs a bit of explanation, ha ha. Toby and I order Japancrate every month, and I decided to partake in one of their art contests to win a free box. It was a photo contest involving last month's DIY candy, the Moko Moko Mokolet. For a short demonstration of wtf that is, watch this video.

I did a handmade paper apron cutout, colored it, made a little hat and creased it, and then took a photo. Then I decided to turn the picture into a chance to practice my background making skills and made an entire French pastry shop, since my toilet was specifically the French version. She even came with stickers for her eyes, eyebrows, flag, "bonjour" name tag, and a baguette. Very important stuff.

So now I have a toilet OC, featured in the background there. And now this is in my gallery. And now you can see it too. You're welcome.

(P.S. I did not win the contest, unfortunately.)

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    that is a funny story! x'D for what it is, it's very cute! nice depth on the baguettes too!

    • Link

      Thank you! The baguettes were my favourite part.

  • Link

    We have a clear green Moko Moko Mokolet! My fiancee got it at FYE.

  • Link

    What else can I say, but "Only in Japan". x3 Then again, we have some stuff here that probably makes them go "......dafuq?" so ~shrugs~ eh. |P

    Nice detail in the image! The toilet just being there in the shop, with the other toilet coming through the door in the background, is weirdly awesome! =3

    • Link

      Thank you! And yeah, we have some pretty odd stuff as well, ha ha.

  • Link

    hahaha, good lord, just when I thought I'd seen everything..! The bakery scene was a clever idea though, too bad you didn't win the contest. But hey, at least you got a toilet OC out of it ;)

    • Link

      Thanks XD Yeah, I may not have won the contest, but I sure did win the contest of having an amazing new OC of my very own. Take that, Japancrate.