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Makeshiftstory Price Menu by Makeshiftstory

Makeshiftstory Price Menu


A really good friend of mine who wishes to stay anonymous has made this for me to use :') Anyways onto the rules for the commissions:

  1. They have to stay G-PG-13 rated, I cannot do Porn or Fetish art pieces. I live in my parents' household with younger siblings that tend to look at my pages and get into things.

  2. Please send me a reference sheet of the character(s) you want me to do for you, it makes life very easy when I get a visual reference.

  3. Payment must be made first before I work on pieces. The only one that is an exception would be the story book Illustrations, I will request the first half of the payment to be made first upon the first WIP Sketch's Approval and the second half to be sent after finishing the page.

  4. I will send you the Paypal address upon approval of the commission note. At the time being, I only have Paypal for my method of payment sending. I do not take points or monopoly money, please do not ask me if you can pay with points. The only time I will accept another form of payment is when you offer an item of equal value to one of the items on the commission menu. However, this is very rare and only will do that once in a blue moon.

  5. I cannot mail or ship any pieces at the moment, I am very sorry about that.

Submission Information

Visual / Other