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Bad Trip by magnus

Bad Trip


My last sketches from Amsterdam in 2011. It's really all over the place cause I wasn't really sober at any point in my adventures there but anyway.

I drew this after witnessing an old man seizure and crack his head open on the door frame (the metal part at the bottom) at a McDonalds. I don't know if he died or not, my friends and I were incredibly stoned but I remember there being a lot of yelling and screaming and I caught a glance of the guy bleeding a lot from the head so we left ASAP so as not to be in the way plus we were freaking out. I hope he was alright!

I think I ended up drawing all of this out to cope with witnessing it at the time? Either way, despite how morbid it is, I still enjoy the goofy characters in the panels.

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  • Link

    8I That would freak me the fuck out too... holy crap! I hope he was okay, too!

  • Link

    ya really though o _o

    the expressions are great, and i totally understand the coping aspect of drawing it out like this. the way the panels are arranged adds to the 'what the fuck is happening' feeling.

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      I was still high as a kite when I drew the rough of this. When I came back to finish it I was like "How the fuck did I even arrange this?!" hahaha

  • Link

    Apart from the underlying tragedy, freakin' hilarious comic! XD Those expressions hahaha