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Happy Valentine's Day! by Lurigo

Happy Valentine's Day!


I actually did it... I actually made a Valentine's Day card! For someone!!

Yeah, I drew this for someone I really like. I didn't really know what kind of card to make first. But I do know she ADORES wolves. So with that, and a brilliant suggestion from my best friend, I drew this entire picture in one night. Stayed up until 1:30AM to finish this. And I can honestly say, it was worth the lack of sleep! She absolutely loved the card!

I used Faber-Castell colour pencils to colour this. The funny thing is, this is my first attempt at using colour pencils for something that isn't practice. Was kinda worried I'd mess it up, but to my surprise, I somehow didn't! Seems I can draw with colour pencils after all! Woo!

All in all, I'd say this took around 4 hours to finish. Minor interruptions included though. Had a lot of fun drawing this, and it was somewhat of an adventure too, discovering what I can do with a new medium, and trying something I've never done before: draw an animal as realistically as possible.

Anyways, hope everyone had/has a nice Valentine's Day! 'Cuz I sure did!

<u>Random stats:</u>

Paper used: A4 120GSM art paper

Pencils: 2H graphite for sketching, Faber-Castell colour pencils for colouring

Time taken: <4 hours

Music: Within Temptation, Evanescence

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional