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Collection of Pictures of Bradley (2013) by LordDominic

Collection of Pictures of Bradley (2013)


A collection of four pictures of Bradley, one of my oft-neglected characters. Instead of submitting them all individually, I decided to combine them into a collection of sorts for posting here. I will link the original, single pictures on their DeviantArt pages for anyone that is interested.

I decided that since I haven't done much with Bradley lately, I would draw what sort of effect a long hiatus from his duties might do to him. Apparently, he spends his off time drinking beer and eating junk food and napping. He's always been a little bit round but not quite this chubby. Good to see he still wears his black socks even on his days off, though!

In the second picture, Bradley finds that his pants don't fit very well anymore. In fact, they don't seem to want to fit over his butt at all now! Now he's cursing his bad luck and fat ass... I'm sure many people can relate to having that pair of "good" pants that seem to no longer seem to fit. Art imitates life, and pizza goes straight to your gut and butt.

The third picture features more of Bradley's adventures in being fat and lazy. At least he's wearing different underwear this time! I love the simple blue with white polkadots but I wanted to do something different this time. So, dark blue with stars it is! His gut is hanging out of his tank top, but I kinda derped and made his tank top a very similar color to his fur to give the appearance that it's kinda dingy and dirty.
"Bronze Medal Beer: You know you're a loser, there's no need for everyone to keep reminding you. So drink and forget."

The final picture has poor Bradley trying to get back in shape. He doesn't look to be enjoying himself very much, though... Also, black dress socks for working out? What a dork!

The originals on DeviantArt:

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Visual / Digital
