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Drifter by LordDominic



How can I be lost when I've got nowhere to go?

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That fucking Road Ends sign might as well be a character in my lore at this point as well.

Dominic "Buck" Donner was originally created because of a stupid visual joke (the bullseye on the butt of his underwear), a stupid pun ("Oh Deer Me"), and a desire to have a gay character to explore sexuality with a little bit. He quickly became one of my favorites, being a fun, outgoing, confident and friendly character that became one of my go-to comfort characters (and an excuse to draw Fat Animal In Underwear art).

As he developed more as a character, I realized he also embodies two seemingly contradictory aspects of my personality: a deep loyalty to the few people I truly care about, and my wanderlust and desire for freedom, to be able to just escape.

It's been interesting to explore that as of late, with the realization that he hates Nico Reynard despite the two actually having a lot in common (and Nico seeming like the exact sort of person that Buck would be going to the ends of the earth to try to help) sorta bringing that conflict in his character to the forefront: Buck has deep loyalty to his friend Dominic "Skunk Boy" Mephitto, but what little connection he has to Nico has mostly been negative (they briefly dated and were a terrible match for each other, leading to an explosive breakup where Buck laid into all of Nico's insecurities at once, albeit unintentionally), leading to a situation where not only is Buck very concerned about the safety and wellbeing (both physically and mentally/emotionally) of Skunk Boy when he starts to associate more with Nico, but now someone Buck hates and tries to avoid is far more difficult to just stay far away from once he's part of the Friend Group and being included. 

From a character development standpoint, this definitely gives me a lot to work with and a good way to start actually exploring what Buck Donner is about, what's going on behind that dopey confident smile he usually wears, what he's thinking when he's not making horny innuendo-based jokes, what remains hidden despite his normally confident and outgoing personality.

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Visual / Digital