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Jacques Duncan by LordDominic

Jacques Duncan


Jacques Duncan portraying a more serious mood for a change. He's usually one of the happier, sillier characters, even if the wings make him a pain in the ass to draw sometimes and in my increasing apathy towards art and resulting laziness they actually deter me from wanting to draw him as of late.

I usually draw most of my characters cute and cheerful as a bit of escapism or whatever, or to cheer myself up, but lately it's getting harder and harder to do and the smiles feel fake. The results are usually unsatisfying, but I keep going out of a sense of obligation or to feel like I'm accomplishing something with my time.

If art is about self-expression, I should be expressing the bad moods too. But more and more, art feels like it's about generating content and engagement metrics and follower counts, at least I don't post to any of the sites where I would have the additional burden of appeasing a cryptic algorithm and I can rest easy in the knowledge that anything I post that doesn't have the cartoon animal showing off its fat ass in underwear or otherwise engaging in fetish activities is ignored not because it fails to appease The Algorithm, but simply because people don't care.

The great thing about scheduling posts in advance is that I typed this whole rant up at the end of January, by the time this posts I might be over it, or over art entirely, or at the very least back to just posting song lyrics as descriptions like I'm some emo kid on Myspace. 

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The photo in the background is from one of my nature walks in mid-2023. Touching grass felt like a far better use of my time than pretty much anything else I spent my free time doing.

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