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Once Again Domi by LordDominic

Once Again Domi


"How else may I be of use to you this evening, Master?"

While I was on my brief "create an alternate slut-sona for more mature-themed art and interaction" kick in early August, I decided to finally go back and develop my pudgy Zerdan slave boy, Domi, a bit more, and in early September I decided to draw him full-body, looking pudgy and cheerful and eager to serve.

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I have yet to decide who Domi's canon "owner" will be--since his inception I have thought about having him be Markeb's little pet, as the idea of the sleazy crime boss doting over his little servant like a rich white girl fawning over her purse dog is kinda funny, not to mention that Domi could work as a bartender, waiter, and/or cleaner in Markeb's club (and maybe fill in on-stage if there's no performer available to entertain guests).

I have also considered him being Domen Aleppo's servant, although why one Zerdan would keep another as a pet is a bit questionable, and while Aleppo is some sort of noble so him having a servant is entirely reasonable, it would probably be quite scandalous for said servant to be seen dressed like this.
(I also sorta like the idea of some sort of "mistaken identity" or "trading places" scenario putting Domen Aleppo in the same sort of slave outfit as Domi and performing similar duties, and even very briefly considered Domi just being Domen but moonlighting or performing under an assumed name not unlike a stripper, although their coloration is a bit different.)

Another possibility I considered was making him Djamil's servant or cabin boy, perhaps in one of his daring pirate adventures, Djamil captured Domi (or perhaps the little fox boy willingly surrendered himself) and kept him as a pet ever since.

However, now that Domarion is canon, the idea of the horny prince-turned-mercenary taking his personal servant along on his various adventures as a squire of sorts (and co-pilot, and guy to pilot the ship when Domarion needs an extraction from a mission gone awry) seems like a fun idea too...

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