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Demetrianna by LordDominic



More Tuesday Portrait Posting, this time featuring some minor design revisions (and a proper name) for the female Lucifer I drew last year.

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One of the major influences for her design and characterization was Inanna, also known as Ishtar, a Sumerian goddess associated with love, sex, war, and political power--an interesting combination of associations for a character that I've since decided would likely be the female counterpart (and wife of) Lucifer Dominicus, and I've decided to lean a bit more into that with her moving forward.

Other random notes about Demetrianna in particular, and The Lucifer in general...

I made a few minor adjustments to her design this time around, changing her adornments to the same silvery color as seen on those worn by Dominicus and Apollyon. I've yet to determine what, if any, significance the color of the armor would actually have, however, and it's possible that the fantastic nature of "Luciferite" may make it appear golden under some circumstances.

The name "Demetrianna" is just a mash-up of the names "Demeter" (an earth goddess from Greek mythology) and "Inanna".
I have yet to determine whether or not she bares the honorific title of "Lucifer" or not--my usage of that term in regard to this species is a bit odd, as I use it both as the name of their kind ("The Lucifer") as well as using it as a sort of honorific title. In their language, the word used means "Lightbringer" or "Enlightened One", I have considered that sometimes their kind would be referred to as "Promethians" as well. Overall, I would say a lot about their behavior as the Cosmic Old Ones is a mashup of the fallen angel Lucifer, and Prometheus, as well as typical Cosmic Old Ones tropes associated with a race of ancient yet advanced beings that set many things in motion before eventually fading from existence, likely the victims of their own collective hubris in some way or another.

While I've yet to actually draw any proper Luciferian tech (I do have an old sketch of a plasmacaster I never bothered to do anything with floating around in my doodle folder, and I have tried to put my idea for a Luciferian Gunship onto paper unsuccessfully a few times), I imagine Demetrianna's weapon would actually be a plasma-casting autocannon rather than anything one might expect a deity, angel, or demon to use.

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