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Thunderlance by LordDominic



More reviving forgotten and underutilized character designs, this time featuring Thunderlance, a short, fat, lazy, perpetually angry alcoholic unicorn with electrokinetic powers that could be one of the strongest fighters on Demeter if he'd just try a bit harder.

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Thunderlance is another one of those characters of mine that has potential to be quite interesting if I'd actually bother to develop him a bit more and share that development openly. Living in the shadow of his ancestor, the heroic unicorn knight Silverlance, and blessed (or cursed, depending on how you feel about accidentally frying electronics fairly often) with powerful electrokinetic abilities, Thunderlance had quite a lot of expectations placed on him... only to wind up as what most would consider a "loser" or "bum", a rude, lazy, alcoholic slob that hops from minimum-wage job to minimum-wage job and spends most of his money on cheap booze and even cheaper food.

(Some of my long-time followers may recall me initially stating that Thunderlance and Silverlance were cousins, but due to some revisions I decided that Silverlance and his allies would do better as characters from the past, rather than contemporaries of most of my cast, thus changing this relationship from "cousins that meet at family get-togethers where relatives praise Silverlance's accomplishments and then try to hide their disappointment with Thunderlance losing his job at the liquor store but just starting a job at the gas station" to one where Thunderlance is expected to live up to the legendary reputation of an ancestor from a couple hundred years ago.)

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Visual / Digital