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Chance by LordDominic



More "cartoon animal shows its butt" art, featuring Chance Whitefang. This one was a sketch that I've had laying around since before The Plague--it seems like I have a lot of sketches from weeks, months, or even years ago that I just never finish for whatever reason. There's a matching Henry Redmane showing off his briefs in a similar pose but facing the other way, maybe I'll finish that one at some point...

Chance is one of many characters I originally created with the intent of taking 100% seriously, being an adventurer and fighter as well as a dedicated husband and father of two cubs, but like most of my "I really should take this character seriously" types, I found it more fun to draw him in silly situations that sorta fly in the face of that.

Much of his current characterization is actually based off this apparent contradiction--as a husband and father, he's had to cut down on his "action and heroics" quite a bit, settle down, and find and hold a steady paying job. While actually quite intelligent, he's quite awkward in a modern urban office setting, where he can't just relieve himself on the nearest tree when the urge strikes, snarling and growling at annoying coworkers and customers often leads to being reprimanded, and the convenience of food coming from vending machines, break rooms and restaurants combined with sitting at a desk all day seems to be a major contributing factor to his "dad bod" physique... not to mention, work clothes are nowhere near as rugged and robust as his usual outdoorsy wear, leading to plenty of wardrobe malfunctions!

Don't let that fool you, though... you can take the wolf out of the wild, but you can't take the wild out of the wolf!
Although, the deer in the area have found it a bit easier to avoid becoming dinner now that the area's apex predator has put on a few pounds...

At any rate, he seems to be enjoying that freedom that comes with ditching your work clothes after a long and draining day on the job.

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