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Hellraiser (2016) by LordDominic

Hellraiser (2016)


2016 art.

Zeke Razorfang, a guitarist wolf. I ended up drawing him again in 2018.

Title was inspired by the Ozzy Osbourne song of the same name.

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Visual / Digital


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    It's Greg Universe(tm)

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      I do not know this reference, I am old.

      Git off mah lawn.

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        Greg is Steven Universe's dad from the cartoon show Steven Universe, there's a few episodes where it's a sort of flash-back type episode and you see young Greg, who was an aspiring rock star with long flowing hair and ear piercings. Think of Sav, but as a human instead

        Don't make me bust out YouTube links because so help me I will not hesitate

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          Oh, so this is some pop culture thing I'm too reclusive to understand. I do kinda know what a "Steven Universe" is though, I watched a bit with the roommate. It's aight.

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            The show is basically "over" now, at least the main plot line is wrapped up. I'm unsure if there's gonna be more seasons after this last long episode/mini-movie thing, but I really like it. The last episode(s) were SO satisfying, we got like everything we wanted out of the show

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              Oh, I've heard lots of good things about the show but you know how apathetic I am towards... everything, basically.
              Still, I'm glad to hear there was a satisfying ending! Maybe at some point I'll get into the series, from what I saw I liked it but not enough to actively start watching it, if that makes sense.

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                Fair enough lmao, I get that. But if you ever do feel like watching it, I'd for real recommend it. If you wanna borrow my Hulu account to do it you can! It's not completely updated but there's like 3~4 of the seasons on there as of right now