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Commissions: Open!

Art Pricing
ATCs - $10
-A 2.5”x3.5” bristol ATC, colored with markers. Shipping not included.
Examples: Spooks, Rai, Brady

Sketches - $10
Examples: digital, pencil

Inks - $15
Examples: digital, traditional

Flat colors - $20
-Colored but not shaded.
-Simple background included.
Examples: digital, traditional (example to be added)

Character sheets - $30
-No background
Examples: Lore, Palehusky

Digital full colors $35
-Colored and shaded. This is my personal favorite.
-Simple background included.
Examples: Sunblink, Pirate

Traditional full colors - $35
-Fully colored and shaded with markers on bristol.
-Shipping not included.
Examples: Aleph, Leashed, Daryil, Rant

Additional characters: each additional character costs an added 50% of the base cost.

Complex backgrounds: an additional 50% of the base cost.

Baseline price: $60
-This is a minimum price. The final price will depend on the type of wallet, cost of materials, and complexity of the design.
Examples: Italian Assassin Wallet

Plush Dolls
Baseline price: $60
-This is a minimum price. The final price will depend on the complexity of the design.
--Plushies stand approximately 9" tall and have fully posable limbs.
Examples: Palehusky, Sira

-For traditional art, I do not assume you want the finished piece shipped to you unless you specifically ask.
-Shipping is calculated on a case-by-case basis.
-All items ship from within the United States.

I currently only accept PayPal as a form of payment.
-Payment may be sent to SpooksFox[at]gmail[dot]come once a price is settled upon. (For previous commissioners- yes, the old email still works)
-Payment must be sent before I will start the commission.
-PLEASE do not send me any money until I approve your commission and give you a final price. I will tell you when to pay me.

How to Request a Commission
If you are interested in a commission (even tentatively!), simply drop me a note here on Weasyl or send an email to Loraes.Arts[at]gmail[dot]com. Your note should include:
-A visual or written description of what you want
-References if you have them
-An email address or something where I can contact you easily, if you do not often check your FA notes.

Things I will not draw: toilet play, cub porn, rape, my own characters. I do reserve the right to refuse commissions based on content. If you're not sure what you want is something I am willing to draw, just ask me! The worst I'm ever going to do is politely decline.

Inappropriate behavior, including harassment and sexual advances, is grounds for me to cancel your commission.

1. Tapewolf
2. open
3. open

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Digital Art

Flat Color
$ 20.00
Full Color
$ 35.00
$ 15.00
$ 10.00


$ 75.00

Traditional Art

Flat Color
$ 20.00
Full Color
$ 35.00
$ 15.00
$ 10.00

Digital and Traditional Art: there is an additional 50% fee per extra character and for complex backgrounds. Wait time is generally 2-4 weeks.*

Plushies: prices vary depending on complexity of design. Extra limbs (multiple tails, wings, etc), complex markings, difficult designs, and number of colors of fabric needed will incur extra costs. Plushies take 4-8 weeks to complete.*

Shipping is not included in commission prices. I ship from the United States and take international orders.

*Length of queue will affect wait time, as will outside factors (I am a full-time college student with a job). I will alert you beforehand if the wait time is unusually long for any reason. In the case of plushies, I have to order my fabric online, and that can sometimes affect wait time.



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  • Link

    Happy Birthday!

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    Heyo! Long time since i've heard from you! Hope life is treating you well, dood!

    • Link

      Hey! It has been a while, hasn't it? I've been doing pretty well myself. Hope you're doing good too!

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    Oh, hi. Thanks for watching!

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      No prob! Thanks for the watchback. :)

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    I am very happy to see you here! ^_^

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      Thanks!! I'm excited to start using Weasyl. :3