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Snippet from my Mind by Lone Companion (critique requested)

Snippet from my Mind (critique requested)

Lone Companion

I'm requesting critique on this. It is transformers Prime fandom stuff, with an OC character. If you don't know that, no sweat, tell me what you can about this.

Date: Drawn "yesterday" and today. My days are sometimes two days stitched together and I don't remember exactly when this started.

There is a recurrent theme in my Transformers Prime head-fantasies where Arcee and Powersync are having some moral squabble. Powersync (right) is a Decepticon ("bad guy") and Arcee (left) is an Autobot ("good guy"). Powersync is my OC/self-insert. It is a mad scientist, psychologist.
( Folder )

A story gets inspired by something, and the dialogue runs though my mind. I did not catch the dialogue this time, and attempted to crush as much as possible into one frame, while making it interesting without the rest. Attempting to make people wonder what is going on, but making them curious more than confused. Leave feedback as I can't tell if this worked, otherwise. I estimate it is at least slightly confusing. It should work as a single panel art piece that would make people want to see more. I'd like to do this single-panel thing so much that I can tell the most important part of a story as efficiently as possible in a single frame. A combination of (usually textless, single image) illustration and comics.

Also, I would like to produce a story in a small comic, which would require multiple panels probably with the dialogue condensed more than it currently occurs in my head-dialogues. It is difficult at the moment to make more than one at a time at this level of quality, and if a panel is more thumbnail-ish I think I've cranked out 5 or 6 acceptable ones at a time. here is another single one that I fixed up (mostly) above thumbnail quality:

Arcee in the background is not drawn as well as 1. she's in the background so i can get away with lower detail
2. I don't think I have ever seriously drawn her before, meanwhile, I draw Powersync a lot.
3. Did not try as hard as drawing Powersync.

These panel-arts will improve the more I work on them.


  • Link

    "Overwith" probably needs a space

  • Link

    I'd have to say your use of basic gesture over minute detail or extensive dialogue actually makes this work fairly well, particularly with Arcee.

    I find that if a comic gets too wordy per panel, or has to break things up into too many visual panels with too little dialogue, things can get confusing. This one-panel thing going on where the character interaction is brief and left fairly open-ended works nicely to let the mind piece its own interpretation together. Show, not tell, y'get what I mean?

    • Link

      Yeah I think so too!. And in writing a text-only-fic, things like expressing a simple hand gesture, which is really important in my mental image of these guys (especially Starscream as he's especially visually emotive), is difficult to do without the fic getting clunky with description. Which is why this hybrid form I think will be good for me to develop. I have also considered making illustrations to embed into a text-only-fic at relevant and crucial moments. I guess that version is traditional story-book type illustration. There are several ways to get the story out which is the goal.

      • Link

        I think the MSPA/homestuck way of storytelling is actually quite clever; image and then character-based dialogue-script. I don't read homestuck myself but Prequel Adventure is a good example of the "image + abridged dialogue" story format.

        • Link

          Maybe ask Zrcalo about their Dimension Riders series, because they kind of do the same image-plus-script thing as well.

          • Link

            That's actually something on my huge list of things to check out.

        • Link

          Okay what is going on here:

          "The_Codfish wrote:
          then there is text and image


          "Plagorath wrote:

          Katia Managan"

          then text and image.

          Are these users that submit to the artist/writer then the artist/writer continues the story?

          Meanwhile, everyone else reads/looks at the story and comes along for the ride?

          • Link

            The story is partially driven by suggestions from the readers, yes.

            • Link

              Okay. Is this format called a "quest?"

              Also yeah, this is pretty much what I mean by the embedded image into a fic thing. Yes. Except for what I have in mind I would not be using user-input. Some of those in that story are animated. I have not learned how to animate yet. I don't even know how to make animated gifs. But that could be useful to learn, for something like this.

              • Link

                Yeah, for what kind of storytelling I prefer I like to have everything clear in my mind and solid in plot-consistency, rather than reader-driven. But the overall image-caption thing is a format I like for storytelling and I'm thinking of transferring my own writing to a similar format.
                Animation would be just for important gestures and movements, eg. "X slaps Y character in face".

              • Link

                I am not sure what the format is called, i've just seen it labelled MSPA-style (MS Paint Adventure)

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    Also grumpy frustrated Arcee is probably my favourite Arcee.

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      I also like her when she gets a moment of peace. She deserves it.

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    Ooohhh, I really like the expression on Powersync's face