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You Look Dead by Lone Companion

You Look Dead

Lone Companion

Made this Aug 15 2014
I think Aug 15 was probably a bad day.
Ah, yes.
Probably between feeling bad and the below mentioned problems, I abandoned this. but I still like it. It is one of those drawings mentioned in the journal.

A composition problem developed with Powersync's lower arm and Its pointy head. Where basically two flat planes running in the same direction causes visual confusion. I don't even know if that bothers anyone else but bothers me.
This is not a problem, but I point out Powersync's tentacles just don't care. They are usually clasped onto it frame underneath that chest plate. They are flopped all over and the claspers aren't even shut, are just like fuckitall.
The thing folded over It is one of It's wings, which I still don't know how to draw. They generally hang downward and wrap around it a little, containing joints/folds, whereas Starscream usually holds his upright, though they have a range of movement for expressive purposes. Faust made me an origami of the type of wing Powersync has, folded such that it would wrap around its body a bit, evocative of a lab coat, and I need to find that and examine it.

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Visual / Sketch