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Hauldcrey, Lord of Vomorel by LieutenantHawk

Hauldcrey, Lord of Vomorel


This is supposed to be one of the main characters in my fantasy universe, the military governor of the northern region of Sarvolk territory locked between human, wolven, and orcish lands. This makes his position quite stressful, as aggression can potentially come from any direction, and the castle central to his county is the primary defense on the river that leads to the Sarvolk citadel of Iddekstat. He constantly has to deal with raids and minor skirmishes along the borders, as well as fulfill his duty as a member of the Iddek Council. He is professionally unemotional and forthright, keeping his people's safety a priority above his own troubles, despite the murder of his wife and infighting within his court. On the field he is a resourceful and tact commander, comparable to a fantastical Medieval version of Erwin Rommel. He has been given the moniker The Black Lord both by friends and enemies, because of his dark scales (a hint of his Korvolk heritage, in contrast to the much lighter tones of typical Sarvolk people,) the black cloak he wears, and the black flags he uses in place of his family's banner or that of the Iddek council.

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Visual / Traditional