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Murrin Road, Chapter 1 by LexyBadKitty

Murrin Road, Chapter 1

Lexy blinked open his eyes and then shut them tight, pain still floating in his head, the light he'd just seen hurt him more, he slowly opened his lids again, letting his blurring eyes adjust. From where he was laying he could see the accrued filth under his sofa. He put a paw to his head and used the other to prop himself up ‘til he struggled into a sitting position. There in front of him, sat with his footpaws tucked up on the armchair, was a beautiful white cat with blondish white hair, the fringe hiding his bright blue shining eyes a little, captivated for a few seconds Lexy guessed his height was about five and a half foot, about the same as him, but it was hard to tell with him sat like that.

The cat stared down at Lexy for a brief moment and then started spooning small portions of cake into his mouth from a slice he had on a plate. Lexy staggered to his feet but collapsed down to sit on the sofa, clutching his head.
"Morning sunshine" said the cat.
Lexy looked at the cat, his mind suddenly remembering the last night.
"Wh-wheres the blood?" he asked, confused.
"Oh i took a shower, its filthy in there you know" said the cat.
"But your wounds?!" said Lexy, all he could see were a few bruises and scrapes and a few patches of torn fur.
"It wasn't mine, do you mind?" he said, gesturing with his plate of cake "I'm trying to eat here".
Lexy looked at the stranger, "You're wearing my clothes!", he burst out when he realised that the boy had taken his spare pair of jeans and some shoes of his.
"Mine were pretty much nonexistant when I woke up" he said "But hey if stripping your houseguests is your thing".
"Shut up!" Lexy spat rather surprising himself, "I want to know why I had to rescue you from the gutter, why you were covered in blood, and where the hell did you get that cake?!"

The boy looked at Lexy, rather amused by his outburst, he spooned more of his cake into his mouth.
"Firstly you didn't have to rescue me, I would've been fine-"
"You were dumped from a truck, bound with a bag over your head" Cut in Lexy protesting.
The boy looked hurt, but continued "-as I said I would've been fine" Lexy rolled his eyes "Do you want your answers or not?" said the cat. Lexy nodded and decided to let him finish. "The blood wasn't mine, I was in an err.....altercation, with some friends of my ex's, just a misunderstanding".
Lexy bit his tongue, trying not to say how rubbish he thought this explanation was. "And finally the cake, I stole it, you have no food here, in fact this place is a dump, how can you live on here?"
"I wasn't planning to" murmured Lexy, who got up and went to his room. He closed the door behind him, stripped down and climbed in the shower, he stood beneath the head letting the water wash him away, “Please let this be a dream" he thought. Climbing out he toweled down his fur until it was dry and pulled on his black skinny jeans and black converse, a tattered white shirt with a long faded design just visible, and a black hoodie. He took a deep breath and opened the door. "Dammit!" he said.

The boy now stood at the sink, his tail swishing as he washed his plate.
"You stole a cake?" said Lexy "Who even are you?"
"Ohhhh I couldn't tell you that, but you can just call me Kitty, and for the record I'm at least in the top five thieves in London, so it’s a good thing everything you own is worthless."
Lexy lunged out, pinning Kitty to the wall, making him drop the spoon he was holding into the dishwater. "This isn't what I wanted" said Lexy, trying not to well up with tears.
"Whoa hey are you okay there?" said Kitty "Want some cake?" he pointed to the remains of the cake.
"No I don't" said Lexy "I'm taking you back to your Ex".
"I'm not sure that’s a good ide-" started Kitty but Lexy threw him out the door, following after with his keys and wallet.

Murrin Road, Chapter 1


Lexy lives in the London Borough of Pawington-Muchley, and from the viewpoint of the outside world he lives a fairly boring life, supposedly, well that all changed in the intro I wrote.

Here is the first Chapter of Murrin Road, well the first full chapter, and I hope people read and like this and even maybe give me some feedback, I've got up to writing Chapter 3 so far but stuff needs editing.

Here is the link to the intro:

Thanks for taking the time :)

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