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Raven Tries To Be A Service Dog Videos by LeopardWolf

Raven Tries To Be A Service Dog Videos


Because many people have asked, I uploaded some videos showing Raven trying to wear my service dog's gear, and the little explanation to go with it. You can view the videos on Youtube here:

Serious service dog cat is serious.

Raven being her silly self, trying to be a service dog by wearing Ember's backpack.

She does this every time I take Ember's gear out when we get ready to leave the house. Raven is leash and harness trained. She knows when her harness is put on, it means she gets to go outside the house.

We have gone to many different places in the past to get her used to being in public places and around noises for therapy work. She has a little mesh backpack she travels in, and loves it. Problem is since I have had to start taking Ember with me for health reasons, I am not able to take Raven out as often as I used to.

It didn't take Raven long to realize Ember always gets to go places with me now, and is always wearing some combination of her harness and/or backpack. So now Raven will crawl under or into the backpack and try to walk around in it and drag it across the floor, in hopes she gets to go with us.

It's so obnoxiously cute, I feel horrible having to leave her home. Maybe one day I'll figure out how to take her along too.

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Visual / Photography